
Keep in touch with:

  •  Current members (list is called ‘Standard Membership’)
  •  October only: Last year’s members, to remind them to rejoin.
  •  ‘Let me know more’ lists of students’ abc123@bath.ac.uk email addresses you collect*
  •  Product/ticket purchasers, if you have asked for a list to be set up. We can do this retrospectively, but it’s easiest if it’s done as part of the product/ticket setup.

*If you want a specific mailing list set up, suweb can do this for you. Please give us
2 working days’ notice, to be sure we can fit it in around other SU tasks.

Using a template

You can create and upload your own html email template if you are confident, or
use the template which has been developed by the design team responsible for
the current SU branding. Press’ Send email’, then scroll down to the ‘Template’
section, and choose su-groups, then press ‘apply template’. It sets heading fonts
to the right colours, and will set the width of the content, so it looks neat and easyto-
read, in Outlook and other email programs. This is a new feature, so we’d be
really interested in how you get on with this, as we can develop it further if this will
help you to get better use of it.

Adding a banner image of 600px width, with your logo, at the top of the email will
make it group-specific. We also have templates for groups of 3 or 5 images,
including a ‘shapes’ footer. This is an example using the template, with a ‘shapes’
footer image.

Email suweb@bath.ac.uk with any feedback or requests on this.

Reusing an old email

If you want to reuse an old email as a starting point for a new one, change the
filter on Sent items until you can see it, then press the ‘Create a new draft based
on this message’ icon:

Editing a message

Adding pictures to the email, and working with the formatting, uses the same tools
as on the web pages, in Editing your Homepage.