Basic Techniques:

Any technique from previous grades will be asked

Techniques demostrated from zenkutsu dachi (forward/fighting stance), shiko dachi (horse stance) and neko-ashi dachi (cat stance). Students should also know kokutsu dachi (back stance - shotokan) or mohanmi neko-ashi dachi (3/4 cat stance - wado ryu)

Knowledge of sanchin dachi (Three Battles Stance) and kiba dachi (horse-riding stance) may be required

Tsuki (Punching Techniques) - Techniques generally performed stepping forward

  • All Previous Tsuki Techniques

Uke (Blocking Techniques) - Techniques generally performed when turning

  • All Previous Uke Techniques

Uchi (Striking Techniques) - Techniques generally performed stepping forward, generally as part of a combination

  • All Previous Uchi Techniques

Geri (Kicking Techniques) - Techniques performed stepping forwards

  • All Previous Geri Techniques

Combinations - Any Combinations of the above techniques may be asked

Common combinations include:

  • Kizami Tsuki, Gyaku Tsuki, Ura-Mawashi Geri 

  • Kizami Tsuki, Gyaku Tsuki, Ashi Barai, Gyaku Tsuki

  • Any Uke Technique From Shiko Dachi, Gyaku Zuki From Zenkutsu Dachi


All Previous Kata Must Be Performed To A Good Standard

Naihanchi and Wansu - Kata must be performed no count with good spirit


6 Rounds of Kumite - Students should show good spirit and an effort to use scoring techniques