

Jonathan Mitchinson (JM) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Rob Cook (RC) – Walking Secretary

Will Jones (WJ) – Walking Secretary

Alex Everest (AE)– Climbing Secretary

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Kai Pheasant (KP) – BUCS Captain

Sebastien Morales Feliu (SMF) – Web Secretary

Conor Smith (CS) – Gear Secretary

Kate Callaghan (KC) – Social Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Postgraduate Secretary

Matthew Rochester (MR)- Treasurer

Laura Bosomworth (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Harley Beattie (HB) – Voting Member


Jonathan White (JW) – Climbing Secretary



  1. Past items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


22nd September


Freshers, Christmas, and peaks trip deposits has come out of our budget, even though the payments were made last year. ~£540 already spent as a result. Discussion about pushing payments to next year as bookings pushed to next year but no conclusion reached just yet.


Refund for Christmas trip as they cancelled rather than postponing so we got the return of the deposit

Gear budget is ~£800 and lots of gear budget spent already and helmets need replacing at the end of this year. Potential reallocation of activities budget to gear budget as we want to do things more local so less budget needed but we need more gear if we are running things locally.




22nd September

Plans for trips/semester activities?

Outdoor climbing?

Potential to get bus to Sally in the woods, with personal cars taking boulder pads. Issue with weather and planning anything in advance. Potential with the rocks behind campus and Avon. Maybe try to plan something for w/c 19th October to allow time to organise and advertise? Need to consider daylight hours.

Learn to belay

Offer from TCA – 4 hour learn to belay course for £40 and months membership included in it (£39 by itself). Offer from Redpoint – 3 hour learn to belay course for £30. TCA seems to be best deal however, the only issue is that the people have to be from the same household.

Learn to belay on campus, however there are weather issues and nowhere to go to test skills, so it will get forgotten as cant run a trip somewhere to test it.

May be worth just trying it and could always teach to some extent on campus if it proves a real issue.

Follow up on organisation of learn to belay

Currently asked for 12 spaces initially so waiting for reply. Need to find someone that you want to learn with and run 6 signups as TCA have said that you need to live with the person that you learn with – hopefully weekly climbing thread will help with meeting people. Will be run on Wednesday afternoon, but more info needed from TCA re: committee members escorting them etc.

Follow up about organisation of outdoor climbing?

2 possible lines around the back of campus so could try to arrange for 31st Saturday morning with rotating groups of 4 there for an hour (with half an hour either side to get there and back) with AE and JW belaying as intro to outdoor climbing. Limitations of kit as can’t clean it; it has to be quarantined.

Increasing walk capacity  

Potential to increase walk capacity but risk of public perception of us, especially if the groups are bigger than 6. Ideally still have 4 groups as harder to run more groups on same route, and limits on number of leaders available. Need for more volunteers to run walks.

Discussion re: trial running a slightly larger walk (8-10), with regulations and club kit on to show that we are in line with rules, however it is hard to maintain social distancing etc. in groups of more than 6, and public may still perceive us poorly.

Instead, could give a printout of map and some signposting pictures of the route so that people can go off and do walks of their own accord. Could organise groups of 6 to go out and be on campus seeing them off, and then give out phone number of a walking sec or another committee member so that if they get really stuck, they can ring us.

Activities rota?

Plan to set up a table that we can enter our names in to for events that we are happy to assist with so that there is always enough leaders for things. Need to ensure competency and that we have read risk assessment for the activities.















JW to liaise with TCA and discuss advertising










AE and JW to organise outdoor climbing



22nd September

Alumni fund application

A dozen pair of new climbing shoes would be good to have as climbing inside and outside is not good in normal shoes. £180 paid by us and £180 by them.


Reallocation of activities budget to gear budget so will apply for alumni fund now


CS to apply for alumni fund


8th October



Identification of need to raise awareness and engagement with resources, starting with committee and then working outwards, so that the environment in the club is welcoming, as history of culture in mountaineering being problematic for those from underprivileged backgrounds.


Can we liaise with race equality and SU diversity groups to do this, rather than having to start from scratch? However, what people have done previously haven’t always been right and can cause more damage than good, so we need to be cautious with using the SU diversity groups. Potential for financial subsidy from SU to help with inclusivity?


Colour up Bristol


Organisation set up to improve diversity in climbing, and to create a social space for global majority climbers.

Flashpoint offered session with discounted entry and free shoe hire for a month and is open to everyone.


Update from sub-group of committee?

SMF, BK and KP to work on educating committee and BUMC about black and ethnic minority issues, through provision of information and sharing of posts etc. with an aim to focus on equity not equality.

Feedback form to go out at the end of the month for us to act on before the end of the year.



























Subgroup of committee to try to organise some actual events by the next meeting


KP to go to colour up Bristol meeting on Monday, and post saying that he’s going and anyone who wants to can go with him



8th October

Social media


Separate teams channel set up for weekly climbing but would be worth posting in the general channel to notify people of this new channel, and what its for. Also make sure that we mention it when we do in person events. Caution with COVID regulations (social distancing, rule of 6 and lift sharing)





JM to post message to notify people in the general channel and Sunday email about weekly climbing thread


8th October

Bath City Race - Fundraiser with BOK

Orienteering event that we could help with and BOK can give us the funds made from it for the club, which we are able to use for our activities, providing we go through RAG.

We have checked to ensure that it is viable, and have emailed to see what is possible. Waiting to hear back about what they are happy for us to help with.

BK to coordinate with BOK


8th October

First aid training

Contact with Matt Price (organises SU first aid training). Extension for expiry of certificates providing employer (SU) has shown that we are trying to rearrange ASAP training.



Person who organises courses is now back at work and hoping to get courses to restart in November.




  1. New items




Action required from


Teams channel spam


Discussed need for consistency as 2/3 posts per day in general teams channel as well as Sunday email with varying information in each. Decided that it is good to have teams reminders for the event and for the signups and it being in general channel makes it easier for everyone to see and access, especially as issues with people not receiving SU emails.