BUMC Committee 21/22

28th October 2021




Jonathan White (JW) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Artemi Kursi (AK) – Walking Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Social Secretary

Ffion Loring (FL)- Treasurer

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Climbing Secretary

Jonny Ellis (JE) – Orienteering Secretary

Josh Nicholas (JN) – Walking Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS) – Voting Member




Emma Hill (EH)– Climbing Secretary

Robert Haseler (RH) – Gear Secretary

Vicky Bennett (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Vanesa Dimitrova (VD) – Media Secretary



  1. Past items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


20th September 2021

BOK event helper team 

BOK event organised for Saturday 6th November. Volunteers needed to help with this event. Might not need everyone, but if we can put our name into the slots on the spreadsheet that we can make that would be good. Help needed with starting people off and with control collection.  

Volunteers needed for the start, but we will use some experienced BOK people to come to collect controls at the end so volunteers not needed for that. 

People to fill out excel spreadsheet for availability 

BK and JE to advertise spreadsheet for signup to members 


20th September 2021

ISB 2022


Concern about a lack of experienced people going on ISB, so discussing opening it up to alumni in order to help run it and who would be interested in going. Going to see who is interested/who have been before and who are available within the club first before we open it up to alumni. Hopefully ISB interest meeting this semester should help with this.




Interest meeting to be held in the next couple of weeks. Ollie Mentz contacted regarding the trip, but no response yet.

JE to organise interest meeting

KE to book room for interest meeting


20th September 2021



Unsure about whether or not we need to register our trained coaches as voluntary coaches with the SU so need to look into this


No update

BK to register herself as a coach


20th September 2021



Received the other day and somewhat comparable to previous years which is good.

Main issue that could come up is that the SU haven’t got any membership targets this year, so usually if we reach this target we could be eligible for more funding, which would cover the insurance for the additional members.


Currently have enough for 160 members (self-set target), so need to see what happens if we get over 160 people.




Budget is going well as far, success of frehsers trip meant that we have been able to reduce cost slightly of Peaks trip despite the cost of the hut increasing.

Biggest issue is the insurance, as we usually get funding for our membership target, and for evry person over that we get ~£20. This year we only got funding for 160 members. We currently have insured 167 members so we have had to take payment for the 7 extra ones from our budget. Currently have 220 members so need to request money from the SU. Some padding in the gear budget to ensure we will be able to insure these members once their grace period ends, but ideally we will get some funding from the SU to insure them.

FL to chase SU re: membership

Anyone who wants to spend money please discuss with FL


4th October 2021



Secretaries to organise trials. The climbing trials will be held at Winter Boulder Series at TCA - 1 day of training. The orienteering trials will be held later in semester/next semester as the event isn’t until next semester.


9 people on the team for climbing. Previously been unlimited for orienteering, but meeting needed with the SU to confirm this.


BUCS athletes and BUCS clubs are supposed to get funding from the SU but we have not received this.




TCA winter series comp can be used as a flash competition. 3 different route sets – a ‘fun’ one, a ‘normal’ one and an elite one, each with 25 routes. Planned to run trials with the normal route sets on the afternoon/evening of 17th November. 3 hour window in which to complete the cards – note down the time the start and ensure they finish within that time window.


Funding from the SU available for transport and entry to the competition, but not accommodation.

FL to chase about BUCS funding/perks e.g. free gym sessions etc.


4th October 2021



Non selective teams would be good to have at local competitions, in order to provide incentive to join the club and to increase inclusivity. A few local competitions which are accessible to train.




SWUBS bouldering will be after Christmas, once a month every month. Prior to Christmas Exeter wanted to run a competition for lead climbing in preparation for the main series. Would be good for this to be open to anyone in the club, rather than just BUCS.

JB to get more information about SWUBS to publicise



  1. New items




Action required from




Tickets went on sale yesterday (£5 for members and £10 for non members) and they are open to the public so this is a good fundraising opportunity. £210 sales currently but need to pay £240 for the screening. Anything over this is profit which is good. Also going to make some posters to put up in redpoint. Could contact the film society to see if it would be of interest. 


Someone featured in the film is going to come and do a Q+A afterwards which we can publicise to try to increase ticket sales. 

Bristol mountaineering club also doing a public showing so need to publicise it in local climbing groups quickly.  




Sober social


Britrock will be a sober social.

SU contacted regarding board games, so Sunday 14th November after the first Saturday day trip we could run a board games social as it will be a free Sunday.

Bowling alley has been contacted regarding a social in Early December.



Walking trip 


Walking trip on Saturday 13th running to Breacon Beacons. Need to get enough drivers on board to enable the trip to run. Ideally we would get 4, but we currently have 1. 

JN to organise trip 

Everyone to try to recruit drivers 


Orienteering trip


27th and 28th trip with Bristol and Exeter uni going to near Cheltenham or Dartmoor.  Will use personal cars and publicise more details when we have arranged.

BK and JE to add to calendar

BK and JE to submit event planner

BK and JE to organise and advertise


Transport update


No more information heard regarding MPVs, but it looks like we will need to use personal cars until after Christmas.


A form sent out by the SU to gauge interest about MPVs but doesn’t look very hopeful.



Transport update 


No more information heard regarding MPVs, but it looks like we will need to use personal cars until after Christmas. 


A form sent out by the SU to gauge interest about MPVs but doesn’t look very hopeful. 



Committee social  


Plan to run a social to Freedog, the trampoline park next to Flashpoint. 20 spaces, 10 of them from an external company and 10 directly from them. Planned to be the 10th December, so need to see who is available and get everyone booked on.  Agreed that any committee socials should be committee only, and otherwise they should be open to the whole club.  

EW to organise  


Christmas meal


60 places have been filled. Product goes live tomorrow for people to buy. Need to contact the Westgate to organise invoices to pay.

HS to organise invoice with Westgate