Jimena Alamo

SU President (She/her)

Hello everyone!
My name is Jimena (but please call me Jiji) and I'm your SU president for 2023/2024.

I've been in the SU in a number of committee roles. My main ones were being the social secretary for the Latin American society during my second year, and that society's chair during my final year. I've also been involved in UoB women's football since first year, on the recreational squad. Some of my favourite uni memories are dressed up as a Bath superhero chanting for our team during Varsity.

I've just finished my final year as a Politics and International Relations undergraduate. If there's one thing I love about Bath is how international and diverse our community is. This made my course as well as my social life very enriching. One of my main reasons for running for president was to improve representation for our international community and making them feel at home in Bath! That said, I can assure you that I'm a president for all sutdents and care for all interests equally.

I also believe that my personality will allow me to stand up for you on issues that affect the members of our student community. If there's any cause or issue close to your heart that you want the SU to work on, please don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting you and working for your throughout this year!

My Manifesto

