Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Officer

Bharat Bajaj

About Me

Hi I am Bharat. I am standing to be your 1st Postgraduate Officer. As the Faculty Rep and also the PGA Campaigns Rep, I have an awesome experience of representing you at various levels. I have planned PG campaigns and have organised amazing Postgraduate forums. I have also strived to play an active part in extra circular activities at Bath: I am member of a sports club, a dance society and have also actively been part of a volunteering campaign.

Being an International Postgraduate student myself, I have a hands-on understanding of what, in University life isn’t right for postgrads, what could work better, and I desire to lead on making these changes. I am a very approachable and an enthusiastic person. if elected, I promise to make YOUR voice heard.

If elected, my top priorities will be:

  • Boosting provision of mentorship for PGRs and improve signposting for available support regarding Supervision issues
  • Better route for reporting problems associated with PGT courses so they can be more effectively and quickly worked upon
  • Generating more pragmatic opportunities for social interactions and networking
  • Developing and promoting a Postgraduate specific website, which will serve as a place to share blogs, report issues, advertise research surveys, get event updates and other information only specific to Postgrads

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Hi I’m Bharat and I am standing to be your SU Postgraduate Officer.

Over my time in Bath, I have been actively involved with our Students’ Union. As the Faculty Rep and also the PGA Campaigns Rep, I had an excellent opportunity to represent Postgraduate students at various levels, plan PG campaigns and organise meaningful Postgraduate forums. Alongside my course, I have strived to play an active part in extra circular activities at Bath: I am member of a sports club, a dance society and have also actively been part of a volunteering campaign.

Our PG community faces unique problems that need careful consideration, and perhaps immediate correction.  Being an International Postgraduate student myself, I have a hands-on understanding of what, in University life isn’t right for postgrads, what could work better, and I desire to lead on making these changes. Life at university is always particularly daunting, especially for postgrads coming from various parts of the world.

With an ultimate goal of enhancing the experience of our PG community, here are some of the few things that I want to work on…

  • Boosting provision of mentorship for PGR students.Also, I will work on improving the support available for issues dealing with PGR Supervision.
  • Providing a better route for reporting problems with PGT courses so they can be more quickly and effectively worked upon.
  • Increasing support and training for Postgraduates who teach.       
  • International postgraduate students face unique issues, be it relating to coursework, financing or be it graduate employability. I will ensure that these issues are effectively communicated and acted upon.
  • Developing and promoting a Postgraduate specific website, which will serve as a place to share blogs, report issues, advertise Research surveys/ interviews, get event updates and other information specific to Postgrads.
  • Generating More pragmatic opportunities for social interactions and resourceful networking. With a solid aim of eradicating Postgraduate isolation and increasing PGR interaction, I will work on organising more effective PG Forums and other PG social events. Also, I would work on organising events and trips for postgrads who stay back during term breaks and other holidays.
  • Tailored opportunities to boost postgraduate involvement in fantastic societies and sports clubs that Bath has.
  • Tackle lack of space issues and inadequacy of Library resources - I will push for reserved spaces for postgraduates in the new buildings coming up. lack of core textbooks in the library, forces students to buy new ones. In the short run, I will ensure that at least each core textbook is made available online.
  • Developing the role of the Postgraduate officer, for it to be highly efficacious now and in the future.

I’m a dedicated, enthusiastic and very approachable person, and if elected, I will represent you with confidence, ideas and experience, and make YOUR voice heard.

I promise to capitalise on my positon, taking this University a step closer to being the best.



YOUR Postgraduate Officer