BUMC Committee 21/22

28th August 2021




Jonathan White (JW) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Artemi Kursi (AK) – Walking Secretary

Josh Nicholas (JN) – Walking Secretary

Vanesa Dimitrova (VD) – Media Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Social Secretary

Ffion Loring (FL)- Treasurer



Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS) – Voting Member

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Climbing Secretary

Jonny Ellis (JE) – Orienteering Secretary

Robert Haseler (RH) – Gear Secretary

Vicky Bennett (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Emma Hill (EH)– Climbing Secretary




  1. Past Items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


17th June 2021

Freshers week

Aim to have all committee members back in Bath for freshers week as this is when we recruit 90% of our members. A good freshers week with good representation from committee and good engagement with prospective members can really make a big difference.


Night hike type activity on the Tuesday 28th. Starts at 9pm and part of main freshers week timetable. Will be quite dark so need to advertise and ensure people bring headtorch.

Skyline walk on the Sunday 3rd October. Might be worth having 2 groups, 1 going from the abbey and 1 going from campus. Can advertise on the social media and the official freshers event.

Walking taster on Thursday 30th and Sunday 3rd.


Taster on Friday 1st October


On campus as part of main freshers week timetable so will be quite busy – on Tuesday 28th


TCA taster on Wednesday 6th October and flashpoint taster on Wednesday 13th October (TBC)

Postgrad climbing session on Saturday 2nd October at TCA


Committee social before term starts - Sat 25th or Mon 27th

Thursday 7th October is usually freshers pub crawl which would be good to do. Starts on campus and goes to 3-4 pubs.

Returners social on Thursday 30th evening – unofficial so promoted on BUMC facebook group.


Official freshers week events on the calendar. Will be quite busy as is on the freshers week timetable and can be attended by anyone. Also ‘Give it a go’ sessions promoted to everyone and anyone can turn up but they are not on the main timetable. Some club events not associated with freshers week.

Freshers sports fair on Wednesday 29th – unsure of the exact format of this

Will get a rota going for committee to help out and would be good to get as many committee members going to everything as possible

JW to put up poll to vote for committee meal date

Secretary to organise tasters

VD to advertise on social media


17th June 2021


£30 SU sport membership which gains access to join all sports clubs, and each sports club is £10. Total cost to join as a full member is £40, and we will have no prospective memberships.

Need to look into if we are able to have a free offering e.g. Sunday walks which people don’t have to be a member for.



17th June 2021

Drivers, first aid etc.

First aiders

Vicky is running 2s first aid courses on 2 separate days in September, each with 6 spaces. 8 committee members needed so 4 spaces for other members. May be good to promote it on facebook and teams to returning members.

Transport update

Currently have 10 people with personal cars in Bath who would be happy to drive on trips, however we have had an email from SU transport asking us who we would like to have MIDAS trained. Currently only have Ffion, Vicky and Rob MIDAS trained and left in Bath in the club. We need to get a list of who we want to get trained together. Would be good to have more of committee trained and then also some other club members who are reliable and committed.

There should be a place to hire vehicles through the SU but we are not sure of the cost. Need to find out how much the SU vehicles will cost but will probably use a combination of 2-3 MPVs supported by personal cars. Need to be cautious with parking restrictions at the hut, so need to get the training done quickly.

JS to promote first aid on facebook and teams/find 4 other members to do first aid

FL to find out costs about MPV hiring

JW to post poll about MIDAS training on teams


17th June 2021


No formal plans but would be good to publicise any informal walking and pub trips over the rest of summer.

HS to organise some activities to keep the club running over summer


17th June 2021

British orienteering affiliation

3 of committee members need to be a members of the British orienteering in order to get affiliated, but there is a cost associated. Proposed to be JE and JS as they are the orienteers and they will need membership for any competitions. We also need another committee for British orienteering affiliation but this doesn’t line up with our committee so will have to be sorted out.

BK and JE to sort


17th June 2021

Risk assessments

Need to read risk assessment fully to be aware of responsibilities when leading anything or organising any trips.

List of approved leaders need to read risk assessment to assure competence. People need to read relevant sections and email the club account to get added to the spreadsheet of approved leaders.

Everyone to read risk assessment and let JW know of any changes


  1. New Items




Action required from


Freshers trip

15-17th October - Committee get pre signup as will be helping run the trip.



COVID guidelines/Uni guidelines

Nothing from the SU regarding COVID, so assumed to be following the government guidance as this is what we have been doing before and they are keen to get people doing stuff ASAP.

Up to what we as a committee are comfortable with to some extent regarding how we are going to run overnight trips with testing etc. so need to have a discussion with each other and the SU. Discussion to be had next committee meeting with more attendees.



Use of teams and facebook page

We will be using facebook as we haven’t had anything from the SU saying that we need to use teams

VD to make committee moderators


Access to emails/website/calendar/GDrive

Everything is on the google calendar so would be good to have everyone checking this/adding it to their calendar so everyone knows what is going on.

Everything should have access to the emails now through their uni mailbox.

No access to the website currently as people need to do GDPR training so will chase SU for that.

Everyone will get added to the GDrive once we have done the GDPR training



Peaks trip

29th-31st October

Would be good to get a belay course running beforehand, as usually runs straight after the tasters. Need to start organising this soon so we can fit in the training for us to teach belay if necessary

Would also be good to get David Coley back to do another talk on Belay safety before Peaks trip

EH and EW to start organising belay course and peaks trip


Social media

Meet the committee series – would be good to do this before freshers move in

Advertisement of freshers week events needs to be done before freshers week starts

Everyone to send VD introductions for website and social media