

Jonathan Mitchinson (JM) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Rob Cook (RC) – Walking Secretary

Will Jones (WJ) – Walking Secretary

Alex Everest (AE)– Climbing Secretary

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Kai Pheasant (KP) – BUCS Captain

Sebastien Morales Feliu (SMF) – Web Secretary

Conor Smith (CS) – Gear Secretary

Kate Callaghan (KC) – Social Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Postgraduate Secretary

Matthew Rochester (MR)- Treasurer

Laura Bosomworth (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Harley Beattie (HB) x– Voting Member

Jonathan White (JW) – Climbing Secretary





  1. Past items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


20th August

New SU Sport membership

BUMC/SU Sport members


Currently we have 2 membership options, a prospective and a paid membership option.


Paid membership is £5 and prospective membership is covered under the SU general sport membership and is just a case of filling out a form.


At the end of the 3 months, they are removed as a member of BUMC on the SU page, so will need to be removed from the teams page, probably managed by us.

Also they will be able to rejoin as prospective member but wont be covered by grace period of insurance so will need to look into this.


Currently no way of upgrading other than contacting us to remove as prospective member then rejoin as full.


How are we convincing old members to rejoin?


Will be hard to get older members engaging in the club as own lots of the gear and would rather go with those we know with COVID. Main selling points are gear, insurance, trips (outdoor climbing etc.), virtual events, access to the weekly thread.  Emphasis on access to socials?








22nd September


Freshers, Christmas, and peaks trip deposits has come out of our budget, even though the payments were made last year. ~£540 already spent as a result. Maybe try to push payments to next year as the bookings have been pushed to next year? Is it worth taking the hit this year as we may not be able to run any trips and they may have a low budget next year but actually be able to run activities? Most of our spending on activities is in semester 1, which we won’t use this year, so we may as well take the payments out of this year, to leave the club in a good position next year.



22nd September

Plans for trips/semester activities?

Outdoor climbing?

Potential to get bus to Sally in the woods, with personal cars taking boulder pads. Issue with weather and planning anything in advance. Potential with the rocks behind campus and Avon. Maybe try to plan something for w/c 19th October to allow time to organise and advertise? Need to consider daylight hours.

Learn to belay

Offer from TCA – 4 hour learn to belay course for £40 and months membership included in it (£39 by itself). Offer from Redpoint – 3 hour learn to belay course for £30. TCA seems to be best deal however, the only issue is that the people have to be from the same household.

Learn to belay on campus, however there are weather issues and nowhere to go to test skills, so it will get forgotten as cant run a trip somewhere to test it.

May be worth just trying it and could always teach to some extent on campus if it proves a real issue.

In person socials

Could organise a ‘social walk’ for full members, which is the same as a normal Sunday walk, but is advertised as more of a social event. May encourage older members to join in, and counts as an organised sport so can have up to 30 people per group rather than being bound by the rule of 6.

Could use a google doc to facilitate finding groups of 6 to go to the pub with, providing there is 1 table per pub. Encouraged to monitor groups, and for committee to mix in so people get to know each other. However, there are risks with increased exposure re:COVID if committee mixing with lots of different people?

SU social event meeting outcomes:

  • Anything we do is groups of 6 and these CANNOT overlap/interact/mingle and we are entirely liable for this as a club
  • Can ignore 3-week deadline on event planner
  • Bar crawls – must ensure groups going to multiple pubs DO NOT overlap and must put limit on how much people are drinking (to ensure social distancing)
  • Encouraging other clubs to run walks as socials à NOT good as this is our sport so if other clubs are regularly doing this then that is not good and could damage our attendance, but if it is a one off then this is ok
  • Avoid wearing club gear when there are bar crawls, going round town etc. as gives poor impression to general public
  • Venues – plug, east village, edge, place in oldfield à we are helping to run an official event alongside the SU, rather than it being a bumc run event, but still need to maintain social distancing, and they have to be open to all of the SU as it is an SU run event















JW to liaise with TCA and discuss advertising



22nd September

What is our online offer?

Weekly discord pub, Fortnightly training sessions, S&C sessions. Also hill running league on Strava in coordination with other clubs


Facebook allows current members and alumni to arrange unofficial personal trips. Alumni is strong and present on the facebook group.All official communication must go through teams and emails.








22nd September

Alumni fund application

A dozen pair of new climbing shoes would be good to have as climbing inside and outside is not good in normal shoes. £180 paid by us and £180 by them.





  1. New items




Action required from


Committee meetings


Regular meeting cycle


Suggested regular meetings on Thursday evenings 6:30pm but can be a bit flexible. Fortnightly should be sufficient, can be increased as needed, starting from the 22nd.





Inclusivity in the club needs to start with the people already in it, so need to raise awareness of those in the club so that the environment in the club is welcoming.


Culture in mountaineering can be problematic for underprivileged backgrounds, and we need to get club to recognise this to ensure that the environment is welcome and inclusive so we can begin to encourage others to join. We don’t want to come across as tokenistic, and we need to have a proper approach to it.


As a committee, we need to engage with resources available online and information seminars, social media accounts etc. so we are aware of the issues that ethnic minorities face in climbing.


Need to approach people with a mindset of ‘what can we do to help you? This is what we have, these are our members, do you want us to share things?’ – Can we liaise with race equality and SU diversity groups to do this, rather than having to start from scratch? However, what people have done previously haven’t always been right and can cause more damage than good, so we need to be cautious with using the SU diversity groups.


Could we create rolling or regular anonymous channel/feedback where people can raise concerns or ask questions or offer information that we can publish openly and show that we are learning?


Major barrier with mountaineering is often financial, rather than racial, so is there a potential for subsidies for trips as the SU have a fund for this.


Colour up Bristol


Organisation set up to improve diversity in climbing, and to create a social space for global majority climbers.

Flashpoint offered session with discounted entry and free shoe hire for a month and is open to everyone.


LB to coordinate with the members in committee who want to be involved in inclusivtiy, and share relevant information with committee.


Gear store access


We should now have access to the gear store.

Gear sort on Sunday so hopefully can start lending out gear from next week (full members only so need to be clear about this).

Probably likely to be 1 day of the week where people can come borrow gear if they are around.



Social media

Weekly thread

Weekly climbing thread can be established now we have established relationships with TCA and the other climbing walls. Need to careful re: mixing in groups bigger than 6, so if you go in a group of 6 then you should stay in your groups. Expectations are high for us as we are students and we need to remember that we are maintaining social distancing and following guidelines as we are representatives of the uni.

Thread should go on teams, as this is motivation to be in the club if they are established members of the club. Only issue with putting it on teams is that it is then available to prospective members, but unless they are already committed to BUMC and know how to do stuff, they wont engage anyway. Could post in both but posting in both Facebook and teams isn’t ideal as it discourages people to buy memberships, and creates a split in the group.

Need to shift focus more to climbing, rather than lift sharing etc. as cant have big groups and aren’t supposed to be encouraging lift sharing. Include rules in weekly thread.

JM to post on BUMC and teams reminding about current government guidelines, social distancing etc


Bath City Race - Fundraiser with BOK

Orienteering event that we could help with and BOK can give us the funds made from it for the club, which we are able to use for our activities, providing we go through RAG. Can raise a fair bit from one event, even if its non-uni students, especially as there haven’t been many events recently. Need to coordinate and plan transport so there is not too many people coming on trains, buses etc. at the same time.

BK to coordinate with BOK re: planning an event


First aid training

Contact with Matt Price (organises SU first aid training). If certificate expired after 16th March 2020, then there is an extension for expiry providing employer (SU) has shown that we are trying to rearrange ASAP training

Current first aiders – CS, HB, RC (expired today so extended) and KE

HB to chase up Matt Price and other contacts about first aid