BUMC Committee 21/22

23rd November 2021




Jonathan White (JW) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Artemi Kursi (AK) – Walking Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Social Secretary

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Climbing Secretary

Jonny Ellis (JE) – Orienteering Secretary

Josh Nicholas (JN) – Walking Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS) – Voting Member

Emma Hill (EH)– Climbing Secretary

Robert Haseler (RH) – Gear Secretary

Vicky Bennett (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Vanesa Dimitrova (VD) – Media Secretary



Ffion Loring (FL)- Treasurer



  1. Past items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


20th September 2021

ISB 2022


Last Friday was deadline for applications. Total of 23 applications for 9 places. Feedback given on anonymised applications so next stage is to finalise the 12. People will be told this week if they have been successful.

No response from Ollie Mentz about guides. West coast mountain guides contacted – good reviews etc. but more expensive than Ollie. Previous years 7 ‘man’ days would be £1200 (5 days for those who haven’t been before and 2 refresher days for those who have been before), but this company is £1800, making the trip a bit more expensive, especially as we don’t know how much the transport will be. Would be 6 people with 2 guides for 5 days (based on 1:2 ratio for beginners) and 6 people with 1 guide for 2 days. Once people confirmed, and guides booked, the accommodation and transport will be booked.

JE to contact FL about trip costing and subsidy


4th October 2021





Trials went ahead on 17/11 at TCA winter series comp being used at a flash comp. SU emailed about numbers and funding, but no details provided. New sports coordinator to start in 3 weeks’ time so they will be in touch.


Suggested to meet with the SU closer to the time to discuss numbers on the team, MPV/transport subsidies and accommodation as SU have pre-arranged hotel booking we can use. Would still need to pay for it but they would sort out admin.


Unsure of what to do with the results form trials, as unsure of numbers. Could post the results in a ranking rather than raw scores, so people have a rough idea of where they stand. Don’t need to post everyone’s scores if we want, but up to JB what she posts.


No experience with running BUCS orienteering so unsure of when organisation for this needs to begin. Unlikely to be able to get much sorted before new coordinator starts. Would be good to consider how to run trials soon.


No update on BUCS funding/perks. Believed to be a tiered system based on skills of athletes and BUCS points contributed for perks, so we are probably not eligible for this. Tier 3 is national athletes or tier 2 is top uni athletes but will be hard to access.


FL/JB to chase about BUCS funding/perks e.g. free gym sessions etc.


28th October 2021

Orienteering trip


27th and 28th trip with Bristol and Exeter uni going to near Cheltenham or Dartmoor. Will use personal cars and publicise more details when we have arranged.




9 people signed up, a few more who showed interest but had some issues with getting forms submitted.

Just need to get people to do their COVID tests.

BK and JE to complete trip planning form


28th October 2021

Transport update


No more information heard regarding MPVs, but it looks like we will need to use personal cars until after Christmas.


A form sent out by the SU to gauge interest about MPVs but doesn’t look very hopeful.




Email sent asking about transport for semester 2 in order to plan trips. Transport people say issue is no companies want to rent to people under the age of 25s, so may not be any transport in semester 2.




  1. New items




Action required from


Inclusivity Award


List of who is going to be in Inclusivity Award team. Previously had the whole committee listed but need to confirm that everyone is happy with this and has done/will do training. Everyone needs to have done the 2 Moodle training courses on inclusivity that Vicky shared in order for us to pass.


Short term, medium term and long term inclusivity goals to be listed.

Everyone to do inclusivity award training

VB to liaise with JE and BK about orienteering inclusivity


Saturday Morning and ‘official’ club climbing


Previously advertised that someone was getting the specific train on Saturday morning but it has tailed off.  Rota and official session has meant in the past that you get quite a few people going who wouldn’t usually climb, but it is a fairly big commitment for committee. Even if we don’t do a rota, it would be good to say that you are going on the facebook group if you are going on a Saturday so that other people can know.


Might be good to run another ‘refresher’ organised session after learn to lead finishes, in order to try to re-engage people and increase inclusivity.


Would be good to try to use the facebook group a bit more in general, and use the weekly climbing thread to boost engagement.

VD to remove the details about Saturday morning climbing


Semester 2 trip plans


Would be good to get people assigned to trips and get trips into the calendar as currently have nothing in the calendar for semester 2.


Currently have orienteering trip, Christmas trip and ISB in the diary before Christmas.



Would be good to do the walking trip at the end of February/beginning of March. JN and AK happy to run this.


Night hike usually the first couple weeks of March. Might be good to avoid 13th March as that is the Bath Half, so 5th March might be more ideal for night hike.


Dartmoor wild camp also to be run at the beginning of April. JN and AK happy to run this.



Usually the English unis cup sometime in semester 2 but no confirmed dates for this.

BUCS orienteering will be more of a trip as it has a variety of courses so designed to be inclusive. May be events that we can do as day trips or informal trips.



Font 16th-23rd April. Planning needs to be started soon. Drivers need to be found ASAP, so may be problematic due to distance and number of drivers who will be needed. Potential alternative transport methods could be considered e.g. trains and coaches. Some ferry credit from previous years that we can be used. Need to book the hut for 2023 soon as well.

Portland/Dartmoor climbing day and weekend trip previously been run in end of March/beginning of April. EW and EH to plan.


Potentially planned to have a day trip or 2 before exams.

Summer trip after exams – planned to be in the Gower.


Anyone planning a trip should put dates on internal calendar and start planning


Committee 2022/23


Important to mention to people about committee, and consider who might be good for the role and chat to them about it.


Next committee meeting would be good to identify who would be interested, to identify any gaps.



Speed dating for sport


Email sent out last Friday mentioning about speed dating for sport.

We have done it in the past for orienteering, and it is a good thing to get involved with. Not sure if we gained any members etc. from it, as people had fun at all of the sports.


Need to let the SU know if we want to do this, and if we do, vaguely what we would be doing


3 votes for yes. 4 votes for no. 6 abstained.



Ideas for gear spending


Some ideas for climbing gear to spend the budget on.

Other proposed ideas: Compasses and map cases

BK to advise on compasses