BUMC Committee 21/22

10th February 2022




Jonathan White (JW) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Artemi Kursi (AK) – Walking Secretary

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Climbing Secretary

Josh Nicholas (JN) – Walking Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS) – Voting Member

Robert Haseler (RH) – Gear Secretary

Vicky Bennett (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Vanesa Dimitrova (VD) – Media Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Social Secretary

Jonny Ellis (JE) – Orienteering Secretary

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary



Ffion Loring (FL)- Treasurer

Emma Hill (EH)– Climbing Secretary



  1. Past items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


20th September 2021

ISB 2022


Someone had to drop out due to COVID, meaning that we need to decide if we want to subsidise parts of the costs from the club budget. Everyone has paid £150 as baseline costs, and then it was decided to calculate the remaining balance after the trip, depending on petrol costs etc.. Everyone supposed to pay £320, so we would need to cover £72.17 if we didn’t refund the £150 paid already. No COVID rules specified. Proposed that £150 should be non-refundable but we will cover the £72.17.

Option 1 = refunding and covering it all.

Option 2 = covering £72.17

Option 3 = cover no cost

Votes = 11 votes for option 2. 0 voted for option 1 or 3. Nobody abstained.

JE to contact FL regarding subsidy for absent attendee


4th October 2021





Climbing BUCS is sorted.


Money spent on BUCS fee, food and accommodation so would total over £100. Costing of BUCS Orienteering accommodation is a lot for 1 night. Staying in Sheffield as climbing but same price for 2 nights with climbing as for 1 night for orienteering. Open for everyone in the club even though it is BUCS, so would we be willing to subsidise part of this cost. Proposed to subsidise ~£3 per person, to bring costs down slightly. Total £38.50. Alternatively could make climbing and orienteering BUCS equal, but climbing doesn’t have a social associated, and staying at different location so costs will vary.


Votes = 11 votes for yes. 0 votes for no. 0 abstained.



28th October 2021

Transport update




MPVs for longer trips (not weekends) can be booked now, so we had one for ISB (£38 per day) and can book one for Font. Difficulty with booking due to taking them abroad. Also issues with booking ferry, as won’t have registration. May be able to get one for summer trip.


To train drivers, we only paid for 1 day MPVs hire and the fuel for that. This will come out of the club budget rather than the trip budget. Issue with training is that you can only extend hire rather than hire them for a single day.



23rd November 2021

Inclusivity Award


Current ideas for inclusivity events include liasing with GB paraclimber in Bristol, ColourUp Bristol etc. Other examples include womens only climbing events, beginners climbing training, navigation and training sessions, inclusive socials etc. Would be good to run a disability access climbing event but nobody in Bristol to run it at the minute. 7th March is the official deadline but would probably be fine if we have things booked in to happen by this time.




Talking to a Charity called Bristol Inclusive Thrillseekers to try to arrange a talk. Ideally would tag it on as a social, and would be easier to do it on campus. Could open it up to others as well. Bring your own food and drink as a sober social. If Thursdays not available then any other day not Wednesday would be best. External speaker form must be completed in advanced time.

VB to liaise with JE and BK about orienteering inclusivity

Secretaries to plan inclusivity activities within their sports


23rd November 2021

Semester 2 trip plans



Would be good to do the walking trip at the end of February/beginning of March. JN and AK happy to run this.


Night hike usually the first couple weeks of March. Might be good to avoid 13th March as that is the Bath Half, so 5th March might be more ideal for night hike.


Dartmoor wild camp also to be run at the beginning of April. JN and AK happy to run this.



Usually the English unis cup sometime in semester 2 but no confirmed dates for this.

BUCS orienteering will be more of a trip as it has a variety of courses so designed to be inclusive. May be events that we can do as day trips or informal trips.



Font 16th-23rd April. Planning needs to be started soon. Drivers need to be found ASAP, so may be problematic due to distance and number of drivers who will be needed. Potential alternative transport methods could be considered e.g. trains and coaches. Some ferry credit from previous years that we can be used. Need to book the hut for 2023 soon as well.

Portland/Dartmoor climbing day and weekend trip previously been run in end of March/beginning of April. EW and EH to plan.


Potentially planned to have a day trip or 2 before exams.

Summer trip after exams – planned to be in the Gower.




Walking trip dates are in the calendar. Need to get climbing and orienteering trip provisional dates in the calendar.

Emma and Rob have been working on Font, and have a meeting to discuss Font and transport with SU.



12/13th Feb - Week off

19/20th Feb - BUCS climbing

26/27th Feb - BUCS orienteering

5/6th March - Night hike – hut sorted for Saturday night. To be advertised on the SU webpage and amongst club ASAP.

12/13th March - Portland climbing trip potentially – need to book the hut, whole hut sleeps 40 people.

19/20th March - SWUBS competition potentially

26/27th March - Wild camp to Dartmoor – need to find drivers

2/3rd April – Dartmoor climbing trip

Easter – Font

Nothing after Easter


No orienteering trips planned other than BUCS.


Anyone planning a trip should put dates on internal calendar and start planning

Orienteering and climbing secs to put provisional dates into the calendar.


23rd November 2021

Committee 2022/23




Still a list on the Google Drive, one concern is orienteering secretaries. Email ready to go out about hustings etc.




14th December 2021

Committee meetings Semester 2




Proposed to be every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 on campus.



14th December 2021

Potential dates for AGM


Proposed to be 3rd March, with hustings on the 17th March.



JW to inform Royal Oak re: change of date


14th December 2021

Alumni fund application




Application has been sent for bouldering pads.





  1. New items




Action required from


AGM agenda


Secretary needs insurance and health forms adding to description

Inclusivity in the club

Update from all the positions

Budget update

Hustings – what, when, where



Gear store light


Light flickers and doesn’t work so need to get it fixed.

RH to chase up gear store light


Summer trip 22


Proposed to go to the Gower.

Exams finish on the 1st June, with bank holidays on 2nd and 3rd. Summer ball is on Friday the 3rd. Proposed to go on the Sunday to Wednesday so that people can do both summer ball and summer trip. 

JE to send link to the campsite


Christmas trip 22


Proposed to go to Snowdonia to the Chamois hut that we have been to before.

JW to book




Summer social to be on the 3rd June.

Sober social for movie night proposed to be next week. Could either do a film night on campus or combine this with Frome boulder rooms x UKBanff Filmfest in Komedia (15th and 16th Feb)

Will try to squeeze in sober social between AGM and hustings. Could do a board games social, either at board games café or using SU’s supply.

Could do a score social towards the end of semester.

Could also do minigolf when it warms up.

Proposed to do a pub quiz either before or after exams.

HS to organise sober socials


Club stash


Would be good to have some to identify club members at the climbing walls.

Proposed to do design a t-shirt, and do a poll for something else. Could do fleeces, soft shells or hats as well.

RH to organise club stash


Climbing tasters


Going to do a trip to the new climbing wall in Chippenham, the Arc.

No plan to do many more climbing tasters to Bristol.



COVID policy


Plan to keep 2 tests before going on trips.

Potentially need to review refund policy. Proposed to remove refund with a positive test, unless we can find a replacement.



SU committees evening


On Monday 14th Feb at 6PM, need to have a couple of committee members going.

JW to go




EH to step down as climbing sec so need to hav ea by-election to get a new climbing sec for the rest of the year.

JW to inform SU and arrange by-election


Trip reports


Trip reports to be written for all trips which happened last semester.

Anyone who ran a trip to write the trip report