

Jonathan Mitchinson (JM) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Matthew Rochester (MR)- Treasurer

Rob Cook (RC) – Walking Secretary

Will Jones (WJ) – Walking Secretary

Alex Everest (JTK)– Climbing Secretary

Jonathan White (JW) – Climbing Secretary

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Kai Pheasant (KP) – BUCS Captain

Sebastien Morales Feliu (SMF) – Web Secretary

Conor Smith (CS) – Gear Secretary

Kate Callaghan (KC) – Social Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Postgraduate Secretary

Laura Bosomworth (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer


       Harley Beattie (HB) – Voting Member



  1. Past Items



Action required from




  1. New items




Action required from


Handover from Conor

What went well

Higher membership than usual, increased engagement and recruitment via social media, better use of facebook group/Sunday email in communication with members throughout the year, inclusivity via womens climbing events, and consistency with people going to weekly climbing.

What went badly/suggestions for next year

Lack of variety and formation of cliques/groups in socials makes them not very inclusive; would perhaps benefit from continual work to engage newbies and some sober socials earlier in the semester. Limited post grad involvement/recruitment but better integration across the different sports, climbing walls and across years at climbing/walks/trips. Also a lack of walking day trips. Suggestions  of increasing the range of teaching, and having fewer but more organised climbing events at the weekend. Discussion of the SU sport committee nights and international café.



Introduction to committee

Discussion of who we are, what we offer, affiliation with SU and BUMC, club history and the roles of committee members. Mention of the benefit of being on committee and how we all work together, both within committee and with the SU links.


Everyone to get in touch with old committee to organise 1-1 meeting to discuss roles with more detail


Everyone to organise meeting with JM to discuss roles/aims/what you went over in 1-1 meeting


Chair’s vision

Aim is to keep club active, even if we aren’t able to do anything in person or we have budget cuts and resume normal activities as soon as possible and leave the club in a good position for the next year. Also to continue to work towards Inclusivity award and club of the year again.

Things to work on include improved recruitment and retention of BAME students as we may get a good turnout on trips/walks but the socials/climbing are often not inclusive or enjoyable for other cultures.



COVID-19 impacts

Freshers week

Unsure of the form that this will take but hopefully we should be on campus at the start of the year, which is important for our recruitment and advertisement for the year. However, also need to consider a backup plan for if it is virtual/restricted compared to usual.

Usual activities (walks, slacklining, pub crawl) may need to be adapted to accommodate social distancing, such as smaller groups on walks.


Hopefully will be able to go on trips in 2nd semester. Need to consider risks of lost deposits that have already been made, and preparation to pay deposits for 2nd semester, even if we may not be able to go.

Consideration of alternatives, such as camping, more day trips, reduced sizes of trips, and the potential need for more subsidy. Also need to consider how to still make trips inclusive, as it would be easy to limit trips to personal cars, but this is not very inclusive.

Look at utilising what we have in and around Bath, such as Avon gorge, Cheddar Gorge, Bradford on Avon, Sally in the woods as these are easier to access via bus/train/car if we are unable to use MPVs due to social distancing and financial viability.


How do we retain current members?

Online experience  

How can the club offer an online experience if not on campus or we are unable to be on campus for the duration of the year? We need to make the club good value for money so that it is worth joining, even if we cant have socials/go to TCA/go on walks.

We are lucky that we are still able to do many of our activities as walking and orienteering are simple to do outside, can be done individually and it is easy to social distance; climbing may be more challenging and could be worth looking at reserving a slot with climbing walls.

Everyone to read JM document on COVID-19 impact on roles

Everyone to be on campus for freshers week (w/c 21/9)


Drivers, First aid, teaching etc.


Importance of recruiting drivers, and discussion of benefits of early signup, and what it entails (theory and practical test). Need to have had license for minimum of 1 year and feel confident/experienced in driving.

First aid

Need a certain ratio of first aiders to non-first aiders for insurance purposes and general safety, so it is essential to get a certain number of first aiders so that our club activities can go ahead. SU offers a course and subsidise 50% of the cost, which enables you to get Level 2 emergency first aid at work qualification, which lasts 3 years. Useful skill to have, especially if you intend on doing your own activity outside of the club.


Teachers needed for learn to belay and learn to lead; potential for scrambling/navigation/trad teaching. Discussion of benefits of teaching, such as free entry into redpoint after the session, but also the need to sacrifice time, both for a learning to teach to belay at redpoint and for the actual teaching sessions. Good for committee to do this as then members can meet committee and sets good example.