Board of Trustees

The Trustee board is made up of the elected SU Officers, an appointed student trustee and appointed independent external trustees.

Board of Trustees

The SU is a registered charity which exist to achieve a charitable purpose as recorded in the Articles of Governance (See Charitable Objects).

The Board of Trustees are responsible for the overall management and administration of The SU. In practice this means:    

  • adopting, reviewing and amending the policies that govern The SU;
  • adopting a strategy for The SU and monitoring performance against it;   
  • adopting a budget for The SU and monitoring performance against it;
  • approving the Trustees' Annual Report and Audited Accounts for submission to the Charity Commission;
  • approving, monitoring and reviewing projects for The SU;
  • ensuring risks are identified and managed appropiately at all levels of The SU; 
  • ensuring that The SU is legally compliant.

The Board of Trustees delegates responsibility of the day to day management of The SU to the Chief Executive. 

If you are interesting in becoming a trustee you can find more information on our page 'Trustee Recruitment'.

The Board of Trustees is comprised of up to six elected Officers and up to seven Independent Trustees (at least one of whom must be a current student)

The details of the current elected Officers can be found here  

The details of the current Independent Trustees can be found below.

Barry Hughes- Independent Trustee

I am delighted to be a part of the trustee board at the SU. I have been the group chief executive of Selwood Housing, a local housing association, for the last 15 years. This has given me a wide-range of experience across all aspects of a business. Selwood is a charity, the same as the SU, so I also have a good understanding of the governance requirements of charities.

Before my current role my background was in finance. I am a qualified accountant and was the finance director of The Evening Standard and Metro newspapers so I bring that specialism to the board.

I also have previous experience as a trustee as I was previously a trustee of Julian House, the Bath based homelessness charity, for nine years, including being chair of the audit committee for some of that time. I am also now a trustee of Team Bath Athletics Club.

Why did I want to get involved with The SU Bath

I have great memories of my time at university (even if it was 30 years ago!) and I think the SU plays a vital role in supporting students to get the most out of their time at university. I hope that with my varied experience I will be able to contribute to the board of trustees and help support the work of the SU.

What I like to do outside of work

I spend most of my spare time with my wife and teenage daughter, we enjoy walking, films and trying a wide variety of food.

If I'm not with my family then you are most likely to find me training at the gym, I have recently competed in my first ever Olympic weightlifting competition. I am hoping to compete in the British and European Masters competitions next year.

I also look after an allotment but most of my crops end up feeding the local slugs, snails and birds rather than ending up in our kitchen!

Matthew Houghton - Independent Trustee

I’m Matt- a third year PhD student studying single-enzyme motions by Whispering Gallery Mode biosensing, currently based in Exeter. I studied Biochemistry for my undergraduate degree here in Bath, where I graduated in 2020, and have continued with my studies in Bath alongside collaborations in Exeter. I have been involved heavily with the SU since starting university, having multiple roles in SU Sport, such as Chair of the Sports Executive Committee and Association Football and Futsal, respectfully.

Why did I want to get involved with The SU Bath
The SU has provides a fantastic opportunity for students to develop professional skills, be supported during their time at university, and provide resources for students to do new things and meet new people. It was and is central to much of my university life and it seems only fair to give back to an organisation that has allowed me to do so much!

What I hope to achieve
I hope to provide an additional perspective to the board of trustees as a postgraduate student, with the additional context of having also been an undergraduate student here in Bath. I hope to use my experience from my studies and multiple years of involvement in the SU to represent students as best I can and ensure the SU will fully recover from recent situations such as the covid-19 pandemic.

What I like to do outside of work
I am a keen sportsperson, taking part in cricket and football in my spare time for my local clubs. I also enjoy cycling into the countryside, walking my family dog (Ben), and watching movies in the evenings.

Find me online 


Anand Aggarwal - Independent Trustee

I am a 3rd Year studying Chemistry in Bath and I’m on placement this year, as a Data Scientist, in Loughborough. I have, previously, been an academic rep and peer mentor in my time at Bath and have really enjoyed my time here so far.

Outside of university, I am the Vice-Chair of the board for a local primary school and have been teaching & tutoring for the past few years.

Why did I want to get involved with The SU Bath

Having joined in 2020, I know what a key role the SU played in supporting the students both during and after the pandemic. As restrictions have lifted, there has been a huge effort to get clubs and societies up and running again. Through being a Trustee, I can support the vital work of the SU in offering the best possible services to students.

What I hope to achieve

I’d like to use my experiences throughout the education sector to be a ‘challenging friend’ within the Board and support the SU provide the best possible experiences to students. I am keen to use my data analysis skillset to make more robust decisions.

What I like to do outside of work

I enjoy heading out for walks and have been thoroughly enjoying exploring the area around Leicestershire whilst in Loughborough. I’m a big fan of mini-golf and love a bit of table tennis as well. I love cooking Indian food; anyone who knows me knows that I make a mean Saag Paneer. My goal this year is to explore the midlands and hopefully go travelling next summer.

Find me online

You can find me online via LinkedIn or on my website.

Rebecca Board - Vice Chair and Independent Trustee

Information coming soon.

Bernie Morley - Independent Trustee

Information coming soon.

VACANT - Independent Trustee

If you are interesting in becoming a trustee you can find more information on our page 'Trustee Recruitment'.