Disclosure Form

Disclosure of a disability or impairment relating to an SU activity

If you have any questions about this form or the disclosure process, please contact suadvice@bath.ac.uk.

Only complete this form if you have a disability or impairment you would like the SU to be aware of, in relation to your participating in an SU led activity.

What is disclosure?

The SU exists to represent its members and provide them with services, support and opportunities for development to enable them to maximise the benefits of their overall student experience.

Disclosure is where an individual can choose to optionally make personal individual information be seen. By disclosing you are informing us of any additional information which will allow us to understand how to best suit your individual needs.

(For example: wheelchair user, dyslexia, depression, long-term medical condition)

Why disclose?

Disclosure is a positive thing; once people are aware of an individual student need, provisions can be made to try to ensure that the right support can be made available.

The SU is committed to treating disclosure with sensitivity and enabling you to remain in control of the information you choose to disclose.

You have the right to Confidentiality and can consent to who can access this information.

Who can you disclose to?

By completing this form, you are disclosing to the SU Advice and Support Centre who will then work with the relevant SU departments who support the activities you have detailed you are part of. 

If you chose to, it will be shared with the relevant committee members/student leaders for that activity also. 

The University Disability Service are the dedicated service to supporting you with your academic and wellbeing needs, they work closely with the other University Student Services to provide you the holistic support you may need. Please contact them on disabilityadvice@bath.ac.uk. Alternatively you may wish to view the various services provided in Student Services and identify the ones you think can best support you. 

The Disability Action student group are here for you as your peer group who may identify as having disabilities and impairments and be supporters. These students run social activities, campaigns and support sessions for you to get involved with. 

What happens next?

Once the disclosure form has been submitted the area manager will check through the information. It may be required that the area manager will need to contact you to discuss the information you have submitted further.

Depending on the information disclosed, discussion will take place on how an area or student group can support your needs now and in the future.

It is vital that you give feedback and confirm if the level of support you’re receiving is working or not. Feedback is invaluable and will allow us to adjust accordingly.

We strongly encourage you to let us know if you have any condition that affects your day to day life as it enables us to discuss these with you, agree and implement any support that you may require.

Disclosure of disability or impairment form

If you have any questions about this form or the disclosure process please contact suadvice@bath.ac.uk

The UCAS disability codes are as follows, please tick where appropriate: (*Required)


We will only share the information you provide with relevant SU staff members (based on the activities/groups you have listed on the form).

Only complete this form if you have a disability or impairment you would like the SU to be aware of, in relation to your participating in an SU led activity.

f you’d prefer to speak to the SU Advice and Support Centre to confidentially discuss your disability and impairment needs, please email suadvice@bath.ac.uk.