Event: Confidential Drug and Alcohol Advice

Thursday 20 October 2022 at noon - 2pm

The Students' Union Building

Members of the local DHI team will be in the SU to offer free and confidential help with drug or alcohol issues, including advice on reagent drug testing kits.

At the SU, we believe in a harm reduction approach to drug and alcohol use. By partnering with local specialists from the Developing Health and Independence (DHI) Charity,  we want to reduce the risks associated with drugs and alcohol, promoting a community where everyone feels safe and tragedies are avoided. 

Every Thursday, experts from DHI will be in the SU to offer a wide range of help with drug and alcohol issues. You can drop by and ask a question, discover how to access support off campus or inquire about reagent drug testing kits. These kits work by changing colour when a certain substance is present, creating a simple and fast way to determine if a substance matches the presumed identity. You don't need to give your name and DHI won't share information about your discussion with the University or SU.

Neither the SU nor DHI condone the possession, supply or use of illegal drugs. You can read more about the SU approach in this link to our drugs harm reduction statement.