Welcome to where we keep all our resources for Staff! We’ve pulled together everything we can think of to try and make your job of supporting the Rep system as easy as possible.


What for the academic representation structure look like?

The Academic Representation system is a simple hierarchy system that allows student feedback to be fed up to SU Officers if needed.  Feedback will be given to staff in key meetings they attend. Visit this page to find out more.

How are The Reps recognised and rewarded by the SU for their hard work?

Each month we pick a Rep of the Month who has been doing amazing things to make a positive impact on the student experience at the University of Bath. Both students and staff members can nominate a Rep whom they think deserves to win. Visit this page to find out more.

We also have the Education Awards. These are an opportunity to recognise and reward the outstanding contribution that students and staff make towards the rich education community at The University of Bath. It is a collaborative event between ourselves and the University. Visit this page to find out more.

What is the QA48?

The Quality Assurance Code of Practice (QA48) sets out the principles on which the partnership between ourselves and the University jointly supports, facilitates, and encourages student engagement in all aspects of quality enhancement and assurance to further improve the student learning experience. Read the full document here.

What training do the Reps get?

We have compulsory training that the reps are required to do. 

  • Academic Rep 101 (including SSLC Training)
  • Refresher Training
  • Faculty Rep 101 (For Faculty Reps Only)

You can find all of our training slides on our resources page, which is linked here.

A Rep has told me they no longer want to be a Rep. What is the process for this?

If a student would like to step down from their role as an Academic Rep, either you or the student must email to inform us so we can remove them from our records and email lists. Once they are removed the vacant role can be filled by following the co-option process detailed above.

We have a Rep, however, they are not engaging in their role. What can I do?

We understand that sometimes students can disengage from their roles. This could be for a number of reasons so in the first instance we suggest you check in on the well-being of the Academic Rep in question. We can offer additional support if needed such as a 1:1 to resolve any issue they may be having regarding the position.

If there is a continual issue of not fulfilling their duties and responsibilities, please contact us with their name so we can discuss their ability to complete the role.

Our Academic Rep Agreement, which all Reps must sign, details the parameters of their role and the code of conduct they must follow. You can view this agreement here.

I would like to report an issue regarding Academic Representation. Where do I go?

You can report an issue through emailing su-sslc@bath.ac.uk. Issues will be considered in line with the Academic Rep Agreement and code of conduct. We seek to support Reps to continue their role if they wish to do so.

Not found what you were looking for? Contact our Team:

Staff Facing Inbox: su-sslc@bath.ac.uk

Student Facing Inbox: su-voice@bath.ac.uk