How to Have Your Say

How the SU can empower you to shape the communities they are part of. Whether it's academic or general student experience issues, student voice is important to us.

Think The SU should have a stance on a particular issue?

If there is an issue you think impacts the student experience which The SU doesn't already have a stance on, you can submit a 'standpoint proposal' to our SUmmit committee made up of student leaders. Approved standpoints inform The SU's stance on a given topic and in turn shape the work of our SU Officers.


Have an idea that The SU should implement or push for?

You may have an idea for change at the University, local community, or within The SU. This could be as basic as wanting more ketchup in the bar or be as ambitious as wanting the Parade painted red. Whatever your idea, big or small, we would love to hear about it via our 'Ideas to Action' submission point. Once you have submitted your idea, we will get back to you as soon as possible with some next steps on how to achieve this goal. Your idea could feed into existing projects we are working on or could need a campaign to fight for the change. Either way, we are in the business of empowering students to shape the community they're part of.

Ideas to Action

Vote or stand in our elections

It is important to students that The SU is student-led and democratic. To help achieve that, throughout the year there are many opportunities for you to stand in elections and vote for representatives and a whole variety of student leaders. All of The SU's activities are student-led, from our sport and society committees to our Academic Reps, and even our Officers who act as trustees. 

Our Elections

Talk to your representatives

Think one of your reps needs to hear what you have to say? Get in touch with one of your many representatives, working across various areas.

  • Hall Reps (For students living in University-managed accommodation. 
  • Academic & Faculty Reps (For any student on a taught or doctoral course).
  • Doctoral Reps represent PGR students within their discipline.
  • NUS Delegates represent your interests at a national level at NUS conferences.
  • Find out more about our SU Officers, who take the lead on all of The SU's activities and representation work.
  • See more about other representatives in The SU.

Your Representatives

Want to know more?

Please explore the rest of our Voice webpages to find out how else you can have your say, shape change and gain skills during your time at Bath.

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