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Who we are

We’re a social society for anyone with an interest in computers or technology! Whatever you’re studying, from Management to Mechanical Engineering, from Criminology to Computer Science, joining BCSSjoining BCSS is a great opportunity to make friends and have fun! We are also a student chapter of the British Computer Society.

What we do

We hold a variety of events. Some are more tech-oriented, while others are purely social. We have everything from 24-hour hackathons to workshops with companies like Intel. On the social side of things, we organise trips, board game socials, barbeques and drinks, among our other events.



A big thank you to QRT for enabling us to keep providing bigger and better events!

QRT Logo


If you’re a student in the Department of Computer Science, you’ll receive most of our regular communications via the Department, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t join usjoin us! As a member, you’ll get discounted entry to our ticketed events, and it’s totally free once you’ve got your SU membership!

Social media

We have an Instagram page where we post about our events, or you can find us in the Bath Computer Science Discord server. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch at!


Our postgraduate secretary this year is Kumbirai Tanekha. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or concerns!

Welfare and Inclusivity

We really want you to feel safe and included in BCSS, no matter your background, course or culture. If you have concerns about a member of BCSS or an event we are running, please contact our Welfare and Inclusivity Officer in the first instance. Emails sent to this address will be treated as confidential where possible, but in some circumstances we are required to share information with the Students’ Union. If concerns relate to a committee member, please speak to a committee member if you feel comfortable doing so, or make a report to the Students’ Union directly. You can find more details on complaints here.

If you have specific access needs that we are not meeting, please let us know! You can email the entire committee or just our Welfare and Inclusivity Officer. You can also disclose your needs directly to the Students’ Union. Even if we can’t meet your needs straight away, we can try to improve!

If there’s anything else you want to talk about, please do get in touch with any committee member using whatever form of communication you prefer!


We take photos of participants at some of our events. If you don’t want photos of you to be published on our website, please let a committee member know on the day.

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    Name Lara
    Pronouns She/Her
    Course MComp Computer Science
    Year 3rd
    Programming Language of Choice C#
    Likes Dancing, Surfing, Skiing, Hiking
    Dislikes Pasta


    Name Nehal
    Pronouns She/Her
    Course BSc Computer Science w/ Placement
    Year 2nd
    Programming Language of Choice Scratch
    Likes Elizabeth Line
    Dislikes Haskell


    Name Dom
    Pronouns He/Him
    Course BSc Computer Science w/ Placement
    Year 2nd
    Programming Language of Choice Python
    Likes Trains, Pikmin & Linux
    Dislikes Potatoes


    Name Grace
    Pronouns She/Her
    Course BSc Computer Science
    Year 2nd
    Programming Language of Choice Python
    Likes Crochet, Books & Plants
    Dislikes Coffee


    Name Maddie
    Pronouns She/Her
    Course BSc Computer Science and AI w/ Placement
    Year 2nd
    Programming Language of Choice C++
    Likes Coastal rowing & cats
    Dislikes Sinking


    Name Sunmi
    Pronouns She/Her
    Course BSc Computer Science
    Year 3rd
    Programming Language of Choice Python
    Likes Charity Shops and Football
    Dislikes Vegetables


    Name Phoebe
    Pronouns She/Her
    Course BSc Computer Science w/ Placement
    Year 2nd
    Programming Language of Choice Java
    Likes Birds, Reading & Crochet
    Dislikes Mushrooms


    Name Dimitra
    Pronouns She/Her
    Course MComp Computer Science
    Year 2nd
    Programming Language of Choice C#
    Likes Playing & Drawing
    Dislikes Being up before midday


    Name Pal
    Pronouns He/Him
    Course MComp Computer Science
    Year 3rd
    Programming Language of Choice Rust
    Likes Cooking vegan food & Writing needlessly overcomplicated Webassembly Programs
    Dislikes Google forms, Python, People who use vim


    2016/17 Summer Ball
    17 photos
    Updated Sat 12 Aug 2017
    Bletchley Park 2017
    14 photos
    Updated Mon 24 Sep 2018
    2016/17 Hackathon
    10 photos
    Updated Sat 12 Aug 2017