Education Officer Blog

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Education Officer Blog

Fri 20 Sep 2024

Spaces, recordings, assessments, oh my !

Before we start on our brand-new manifestos and Top 10 – I wanted to update y’all on...
Thu 19 Sep 2024

All about that LLE

Hey y'all !   Today I got to speak at a QAA panel about the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE...
Fri 13 Sep 2024

'The Robots Are Coming !' - A plain English guide to AI at the Uni of Bath

If you're an Academic Rep, you have most definitely heard me wax lyrical about this already (and have...

(to the tune of Blink 182) - all the... cheap things

Hello lovely people ! While doing peer mentoring training last year, it came to my attention that y'all don...
Mon 02 Sep 2024

Personal Tutors / Academic Advisors – What are they? Who are they? What can I ask them?

TLDR: Academic Advisors (previously called Personal Tutors) are a named member of staff in your department who can help with...

Suns Out Puns Out

I wont lie to you dear reader, I had the worst time trying to make up a pun that somehow...
Fri 23 Aug 2024

What is a DAP (Disability Access Plan)?

Hey y’all! I have realised over the past year that there is a LOT of assumed knowledge that...
Thu 25 Jul 2024

To those before...

  This weekend, we will see the SU reunion (love the accidental pun there) light up campus. Me and Jiji...
Mon 17 Jun 2024

Amber’s Unofficial Guide to how Graduations Work

Hi hi hello ! It has officially been (basically) a year since I graduated, and although this might make me have...
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Fri 07 Jun 2024

One last update before handover

The first day I had in this role, I came home to find out my housemates had brought me some...
Thu 30 May 2024

Do-not Forget to Vote !

Hey nerds (lovingly) – there is a UK general election on 4th July ! You have most definitely been absolutely bombarded...
Mon 20 May 2024

Whatever MAY be will be

An intro ? On a rare update ?? Yeah let’s pass on that and get right into it !   At...
Wed 15 May 2024

Literally just a post about IMCs and Appeals

Hello lovely people !   These graphics (registry approved)! have been sitting in the 'useful info' section of the...
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Thu 02 May 2024

Time continues to MARCH on

A March update at the start of May ? It’s like florals for spring – predictable. Who would&rsquo...
Thu 04 Apr 2024

Campaign Week Part 2 – Electric Bugaloo

  If you have been through campaign week once, willingly going through it again can mean two things: You really...

February in Five !

Y’all, in between the Insta fortnightly update and the VC breakfasts, I completely let this slip between the...
Tue 06 Feb 2024

No, not D of E, D for E !

Hello lovely people!   We recently had a special visitor on campus – the Department for Education paid us a...
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Thu 01 Feb 2024

WWAS ? - Bookable Group Space (Campus)

I couldn't leave you hanging dear reader, here is the immediate follow up of where groups can book...
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WWAS ? - Bookable Individual Rooms (Campus)

Hello hello and welcome to WWAS (Where would Amber Study?) a guide to literally every place on campus you can...
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Thu 11 Jan 2024

The Education Review

Okay so, BathTime is an INSTITUTION here in Bath - they are a simply amazing bunch who bring us all the...
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