About Us
Hello and welcome to the Makerspace Society! We aim to foster an inclusive and welcoming community of makers, by providing easy access to 3D printers, laser cutters, and other fabrication equipment to all students and faculty at the university.
We’ll be running introductory workshops on equipment and software throughout the year, as well as hosting competitions and contests. Weekly get-togethers will take place at the makerspace where we share ideas and discuss our projects in a relaxed environment. These sessions are also the perfect time for new or prospective members to see the equipment, learn about others’ projects, and find out more about our society.
Our society is driven by the projects and ideas of our members, and our primary goal is to help you bring your ideas to life. We welcome your suggestions regarding how the society can be improved--especially since this is our first operational year and we are still figuring things out.
Location and meeting times to be announced, so keep and eye on this page. We officially open in the second week of October!
Join our WhatsApp group, our Discord server, follow us on Instagram, or email us at su-makerspace@bath.ac.uk to get in touch.