
Freshers Trip 2022

Freshers Trip 2022

View of Tryfan



We hope you'll forgive the poor quality of this trip report; we haven't showered or slept all weekend, and doing this on my phone's notes doesn't help much either. Despite this we’ll try our best to do some half decent writing.


We got off to a great start - everyone turned up almost on time, and there were only a small number of breakages and spillages on the journey (our apologies to the Burger King at whichever services we stopped at). We’d also like to apologise to the bus company on behalf of Ollie, who tragically lost all of his water to the bus floor 30 seconds into the journey. The remainder of the drive was largely uneventful, with only a small amount of cheesecake-related arguing at the front!

Big shout-out to Wales for the traditional welcome of heavy rain and strong winds - but hey - at least the hut was nice and... cosy!


The aforementioned weather also led to the cancellation of Saturday climbing, but the plain sailing continued, with expert organisational abilities demonstrated by Claire. In the face of adversity, organising the next day's activities in a mere 2 and a half hours was no small feat. This was then followed by an extremely late night, with very little sleep all round - classic. The lucky few who managed more than just a few minutes woke to a sauna of a bedroom (with only some minor spooning) before a rather unenthusiastic breakfast. This seemed to consist of mainly porridge pots, although there were some commendable efforts to do some actual cooking. 


Out of the hut promptly, each group split and prepared for the day ahead - one filled with daring, danger and deluge.


All groups bar Ollie’s short walk went the wrong way immediately out the hut, so an honourable mention there. The short walk success continued with weather and route related complaints reached only a mild level and fun was reportedly had all round! Ollie has asked us to point out his adventurers handled the lightning storm significantly better than a DofE group found cowering under their emergency shelter (wimps). Altogether a great day out!


The longer walk also went swimmingly, I (Adam), along with Claire and Jon heroically led a group of keen beans up the Devil's Kitchen (near Llyn Idwal and not a euphemism). That was until, rather ironically, the heavens opened. The group set to the task of dodging hailstones with a passion. Despite the near unending bravery and wealth of technical skills demonstrated by the group we were left with no choice but to tactically retreat. You’ll be pleased to hear that not all was lost for long walkers, as we took the much more exciting long route around the tarn and stopped for a conciliatory cup of tea in the cafe. Not making it up Glyder Fawr seems to be becoming a trip tradition - a challenge for next year's walking secs. For the record we got to 820m this year. 


Despite the challenges encountered by the walkers, very little compares to those endured by our noble scramblers (aka the people who were too scared to go climbing in the rain).

I (Reuben), along with Alex and Nathan led the more well-prepared, proficient and faster group. The ascent went smoothly, losing only Nathan and one member before the scramble began! Following our daring venture onto Canon Rock Alex and I swapped, leaving the highly complex job of leading the grade one gully to me... Robin and the second group took on the allegedly more challenging face, but I like to believe that's due to the lack of confidence in navigating to the gully.

Our superior group summited without issue, and made a quick getaway before the weather moved in. Unfortunately, the second group arrived just in time for God to decide Sam Boston needed an appointment with nature's defibrillator. Thankfully some last minute counsel from the angels landed the 300,000,000 volts a mere quarter mile away. Having almost gotten even closer to the Devil than the long-walkers, a hasty descent was made. 

Meanwhile in group 1, we found ourselves utilising the newly slick rock to slide like penguins down Heather Terrace. We returned to the hut sodden, tired, and psyched enough to do it all over again (we'll give it a year though).


While the scramblers and long walkers battled against the forces of nature, the short walk group were slaving away making a fantastic dinner (in slightly more reasonable quantities than last year). Rice quantities were accurate, and the humble chilli is always a great way to warm up after a day out in the hills. 


Following this the evening entertainment commenced, with all 46 trip-goers (plus Hugh and Jon) piling into the less-than-spacious snug. All those who attempted table bouldering were highly admired (apart from Adam who just fell off the table. He blames the crocs). And yes, I may have dropped the flash long-ways, but made it gracefully the second time… Congratulations to everyone who gave it a go, and if you didn’t manage it this year there’s always next time!

The evening soon turned to the pot game, with everyone fighting to get as close as possible to the pot. In the end, although not quite beating last year's attempt, 8 people found themselves clinging to me (Adam) atop the pan.

Through the knot of entangled limbs we fought; enduring excruciating feet and collapsing spines, to raise the sling triumphantly past our heads. Victory at last. My back still hasn't recovered.

Then followed some slightly quieter activities. A quick committee meeting was held, but if we told you what was said, we'd have to kill you. State secrets. We followed it up with a rather disturbing game of Cards Against Humanity before bed.


The next morning committee nobly sacrificed the comfort and warmth of their sleeping bags to rise at dawn, making breakfast and setting up top ropes; for the weather had miraculously cleared.

Climbing was on!

 A number of foolish people decided not to embark on a walk but instead stand close to some rock for 3 hours (I’ll never understand climbers). I suppose there was plenty of Red Bull to keep them going! (apparently the dragon has a name as well. Seeing as he survived his lightning encounter you can ask Sam Boston that yourselves).


The day's walking activities were primarily focussed around an egg called Greg the Egg. Through the day Greg heroically overcame innumerable challenges, experiencing flight (but not for long) and the inside of a military pillbox! 
We regret to inform our readers however of the tragic demise of Greg the Egg. Suffering from a spell of intense pressure at the hands of an overly keen club member, there was little hope for the fragile fellow. Student services can offer help and advice to those who grew closest to Greg over his short-lived existence


The lack of sleep is catching up with these writers, so this brings us to the end of our 2022 Freshers Trip Report. We hope we haven’t bored you too much and that those who came along had a great time!

Thanks to everyone who helped make the trip possible, particularly to Claire for organising and to all those who helped lead activities, cook or clean across the weekend.

That's all from us, thanks for reading.

Adam and Reuben

Walking and Orienteering Secretaries 2022/23