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PG Officer Blog

Goodbyes, burritos and good vibes

It’s hard to believe that I have already started my second term as your Postgraduate Officer! Time is already flying by. Over the past month, I have said goodbye to the 2022/2023 officer team and welcomed the new team into the office.


In addition, I also:


· Held another successful doctoral lunch! We were discussing doctoral representation over burritos which was great.

· Attended and helped to facilitate a workshop for PGT students alongside the student voice team, which will feed into a wider PGT Education and experience research project.

· Together with the Education officer, we continued weekly meetings with the University’s senior management about the marking and assessment boycott.

· Attended and processed in many graduation ceremonies- huge congratulations to everyone graduating!

· Held the last doctoral council over this academic year

· Attended inclusivity event organized by the doctoral college and participated in the roundtable discussions

· Attended the last University Doctoral Studies committee over this academic year

· Started planning for next years top 10.


I think that is everything for now! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far and for many PGT and PGR students - I hope your summer semester is going well and your thesis/dissertation writing is not too stressful.


With lots of love,




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