SU Sport Officer Update - Memberships and MORE

Blog Post

SU Sport Officer Update

Memberships and MORE

What a few weeks!

I hope you have all had an opportunity to relax a bit and for graduating students, I hope you have had the opportunity to celebrate with family and friends. I would also like to mention the outstanding performances from current and graduate students who are currently out at the Tokyo Olympics, and the performances they are producing are incredible. We have already won a number of medals of all colours this week, with many more to come, I’m sure. Good luck to all of our athletes yet to compete!

Since my last blog, I have been looking towards actions on my manifesto which I would like to implement before term starts in September. I have also been attending meetings on the SU top 10, gym issues, student experience and sustainability, just to name a few.


I am delighted to finally announce the membership structure for the 2021/22 year. This year it will cost £30 which will be a general SU Sport membership and then £10 for every individual club you would like to join. This will only be for this up and coming year and will be reassessed for the 22/23 year. Memberships will be available to purchase from Monday. If you would like to read more about memberships, please take a look here.

Inclusivity Champions

I am in early discussions with the sports team and other students union staff around how Inclusivity Champions would work, training and the purpose of these roles at the moment. It is something I am really keen to implement to reduce the barriers to sport within our community. From this we have also discussed a representative group being added as a branch off of the Sports Exec.

Societies Gym Day

I am currently working with gym staff and Activities Officer, Zoe, on a gym day for societies members. This will be something people can attend with no cost, to experience the benefits and joys of exercise in our fantastic facilities. We are particularly looking at group exercise so people can come along with their friends and experience the social benefits of exercise too! This is still very early days, so watch this space.

Sustainable travel for sports clubs

I have been in talks with the chair of people and planet and one of the climate action specialists from the university to discuss how travel to training, looking at bus times, active travel options and car sharing. We are looking to encourage these methods to reduce sports carbon footprint to and from training sessions on campus.

Speed dating for sport

This year I am looking to continue the fantastic event that has been speed dating for sport, but I (along with the help of my exec) am also looking to expand it with events for international students and also for disabled students to help with reducing the stigma to sport and really showcasing what our sports really do have to offer and what individuals can be involved in. If you/your sports club are interested in being part of either/both of these days, please drop me a message.

Exec committee

We have had some interest in exec since my last post but we are yet to go for elections. The roles we have available are; inclusivity officer, treasurer, performance sport officer, recreational sport coordinator and volunteer recognition coordinator. If any of these posts have interest for you, please get in contact via email or Facebook.

SU Top 10

As an officer team we have now shortlisted a number of key issues which we are looking to research before we make our final decisions and what we would like to put on the top 10 this year. I have got some sports ones, and some more general ones to look into.

I really hope you have enjoyed seeing what I have been up to and what I have been working on over the last few weeks. I have loved working on projects with fellow officers, they are so amazing!

If you have any questions regarding sport- as always, please get in touch.
