SU President Blog - 'All I have to look forward to in January is assessments’

Blog Post

SU President Blog

'All I have to look forward to in January is assessments’

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

‘All I have to look forward to in January is assessments.’

It might be coursework deadlines, presentations or a few exams you have been dreading, but in all honesty, you shouldn’t for a moment get to worked up about any (or all) of it.

Life is always #BetterWithBreaks, and there is never better a time than during January to practice this and make sure you are Stress Free! Check out all of the events that Bath SU has put on for you during January by clicking right here.

I would also like to take a moment to talk about resolutions, and making a change.

New Year’s Resolutions are defined by the all-knowing Wikipedia as “a promise to do an act of self-improvement”. Even if you disagree with the idea of a resolution, the act of self-improvement is something pretty hard to argue with.

I have two resolutions…

1.      To read more for pleasure – I am currently reading a book called ‘After The Crash’ – it’s not bad, could be better, but I will read it!

2.      To watch one TED Talk every day – yesterday I watched ‘The power of vulnerability’ by Brené Brown.

So, what are yours?

Self-improvement is all about you, that’s why it is great. It’s not selfish, or obnoxious, or anything in between.

It’s important to you, measured by you, monitored by you and achieved by you.

If you don’t have a resolution yet, make one; it can be big or small, easy or hard, but reflect on what you have done and where you have been, the nuances in your life and the narrative of your story and make a change to improve yourself.

You might, quite fairly, ask ‘why the hell are you talking about self-improvement, reflection, creative narratives or in a more complex sense, challenging the discourse about ourselves and our lives?’

Well, it’s actually because I think that I, we, Bath SU might be able to help you.

Bath SU can support you to get involved in a group and try something new, run a campaign around social justice, improve the lives of those around you through volunteering or gain some new skills, and do you know what, it’s simple.

You just have to decide how you want to get involved.

It might be that you don’t like what Bath SU is doing right now, or you don’t know how to get involved - if so, let us know. The Student Opinion Survey opens tomorrow, and you can only shape your experience by letting us know what you think; positive and negative aspects to improve upon in the future.

Over the next few months, make sure you take the chance to get involved.

Best of luck with your assessments, and if there is anything we can do just let us know!

Jordan x
