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You can find the answers here to the most frequently-asked questions regarding payments, income and accounts.


When are your payment runs?

Our preferred method of payment is via BACs (bank transfer), which happens twice a week, usually on a Tuesday and Thursday. Any payments processed via this method will take 3 working days to enter the receiving account, however we will send out a remittance to the person that is being paid as soon as the payment has been made. This means it’s essential that contact details are included on any paperwork that you hand in. All paperwork needs to be handed in to Finance the day before the payment run to ensure it gets processed in time, this means you need to ensure you hand your paperwork into the Activities Office in good time to allow them to authorise it all.

Can I get my reimbursement in cash?

Due to Covid-19 we no longer hold cash, therefore all money will be sent to your bank account. 

Can I withdraw cash from the group account to pay for items?

No, we do not give out cash advances to student groups to purchase items. Goods or services must be paid by either an invoice from a supplier or paid up front by a member and then reimbursed via a financial request form. The SU does have a Credit Card which can be used to pay for things in emergencies, but this is a last resort only, and unlikely to be authorised otherwise.

If I am the chair / treasurer: can I authorise financial claims for myself?

No, you cannot sign for your own claims, they will be rejected and returned. If you have a financial claim for yourself and for example you are the Chair, you need to get the Treasurer to sign on behalf of the group.

Who can authorise my forms?

The Chair / Treasurer need to authorise forms on behalf of the group and you also need an appropriate Students' Union representative. For example for Sports clubs this can be the Sports Exec Treasurer, Sports Officer or the Activities Manager. 

Do I need to fill out a yellow financial request form to get an invoice authorised for payment?

No, if you have an invoice that needs to be paid to a company or an individual please come to the Finance Office so we can put an authorisation stamp on the invoice. This saves you having to complete a yellow financial request form.


Can membership fees be collected from new members and be brought along to the finance office to be paid in?

No, membership fees need to be paid by individuals. They can do this online via

Do sports clubs have to pay VAT on kit for resale (e.g. Hoodies) or socials?

Yes, any income you pay into the club account for kit or social events will be net of VAT (20% will have been removed from the amount paid in).  Please ensure you take account of this when working out what you are going to be charging members.  As long as you get a VAT invoice from the supplier of the kit for resale / social only the net amount will leave your account. Please email us if you'd like help in setting your prices.

I have someone who wants to sponsor our group. Can I collect the money from them and bring it to you?

No, if you have someone willing to sponsor the group please contact the Marketing Office first either via email ( All sponsorships need to be correctly agreed with contracts before we receive any money from the person / company who is willing to sponsor the student group. The Finance Office will invoice the person / company once the sponsorship has been agreed and Marketing will fill out the relevant forms to raise this invoice.

As a student group, can we produce our own invoices to send to external organisations e.g. Entry fees for a competition we are hosting?

No, you need to fill in an invoice request form, get it authorised, and email it to . The Finance team will raise the invoice and send it on to the relevant people for you. If payment isn't forthcoming from the external organisation we can then chase on your behalf to ensure payment is received.


Can I have a copy of my student group accounts?

Only the Chair or Treasurer can request a copy of their up-to-date student group account ledger. Please email and we will email the ledger to you in excel format or you can view it on the app.

I need some help and advice with student group finances, may I come to the Finance Office to speak to somebody?

Unfortunatley not, however we are always happy to help.You can email us queries or we can arrange a Teams meeting with you for when is convenient. 

Why can't I see my budget on the ledger?

The ledger that we produce shows actual income and expenditure only. Your budget is only an allowance rather than physical cash so will not show on this report. You should have been informed of your budget at the beginning of the year, and should keep track of what you are spending out of this amount.

I have just paid money into the group's account, will it show on a ledger straight away?

Any income from will appear on your ledger no later than a week after the transaction has taken place.

Where can I find all the account codes for when I am filling in finance forms?

All coding can be found on our website for sports, societies and student groups.

Other Questions

I have a student loan / tuition fee query: may I come to see you?

No, unfortunately we can't help you but we know who can! The University have dedicated offices to help with student loans and tuition fee queries, which can be found on level 3 of Wessex House.

If you have any money worries or general financial concerns you can also contact the Advice and Representation Centre for confidential advice.

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