
We are eager this year to get you interested in sparring with the club, and to come with us to the British Universities and Colleges Sport Championships (BUCS) in Semester 2! BUCS is an opportunity to showcase your skills, ability and fitness against Univerisities from all over the country. It is also a chance for you to win precious BUCS points for the University. The tournament happens over a few weeks and is split into a number of weight categories, which are further split into categories dependent on experience.

We also have plans in the works to host our own competition in Semester 1, which will be set up as a freindly between local universities to provide some experience for our newer members. We are very excited to host this ourselves, and we cannot wait to have an eager club to compete with.

When we begin training in October, there will be sparring based sessions at least once a week, and these sessions will be perfect to attend if you are interested in competiting with us this year, or if you just want to gain some more experience through sparring.

Live Fights

We will also be organising social events to watch live boxing throughout the year, keeping an eye out on big fights and watching them together at venues (maybe the SU, maybe a pub). Whether you drink or not, why not join us watching what we love on a screen together?

Social Events

Work hard play hard, right? After our training each week, why wouldn't you want to join us to celebrate and say well done for the week's hard work? Not all events will be drinking events, but we are sure to be planning many throughout the year! Check our soical media for details each week, and be sure to come to training to hear more about them too!