Gender Expression Fund

This Semester, we are launching a Gender Expression Fund! Gender non-conforming, nonbinary and trans students can apply for up to £50 to spend on gender affirming items and services, such as binders, clothing, and haircuts (see list below for more examples). This is a community led fund, with exclusively trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people deciding how money is allocated. This is a trust-based scheme which will not require information about your personal financial situation. 

Please follow the link below to apply now! 

Gender Expression Fund Application Form

Please note: it may take up to 28 days for your request to be completed in full. Please be aware that there may be particular delays at the following times:

  • During exam season
  • Over the summer (June-August)

Contact us: You can contact us by emailing or our staff contact at The SU by emailing 

How does it work?

Step 1: Submit your application 

Firstly, you will need to let us know what you'd like us to order for you! You can do this by filling out this form or by speaking with one of our trans, nonbinary or gender non-conforming committee members through our trans mailbox. Depending on the time of year and our capacity, we can try to find a time to meet with you to help you fill out the form.

Step 2: We will work to process and place your order

Once the form is complete and we've been in touch to find out any missing information, we will check your request against our requirements: providing there is money left in the fund, you haven't already spent £50 in previous applications, and the item/services are on our list of accepted items, we will grant your request, usually by ordering the item to the SU.

Step 3: We will be in touch to let you know that your order has arrived
Step 4: Collect your item(s)!

Usually, collection is from The SU, either by you or by our Trans Rep.

What can this fund be used for?

  • Binders
  • Clothing
  • Cosmetics (such as makeup, perfume, aftershave)
  • Lingerie
  • Minor Cosmetic Procedures (such as haricuts)
  • Packer/StP device
  • Procedural Documents (such as ID updates)
  • Tucking underwear/gaffs
  • Wigs

What can't this fund be used for?

  • Medication
  • Surgery
  • Fundraisers