BUMC Committee 21/22

17th June 2020





Jonathan White (JW) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Artemi Kursi (AK) – Walking Secretary

Josh Nicholas (JN) – Walking Secretary

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Climbing Secretary

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Jonny Ellis (JE) – Orienteering Secretary

Vanesa Dimitrova (VD) – Media Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Social Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS) – Voting Member


Ffion Loring (FL)- Treasurer

Robert Haseler (RH) – Gear Secretary

Vicky Bennett (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Emma Hill (EH)– Climbing Secretary





  1. New items




Action required from


Handover from Jon and summary of 2020/21

What went well

The year has gone well all things considered, we were able to run a trip and the club has been left in a good position for next year, as many of the accommodations for trips next year are booked. Able to keep the club going despite COVID restrictions, and had 338 members (prospective and full).

What went badly/suggestions for next year

May be some budget issues going into next year but we should be able to cope with them. Main issue may be skills training which we will need to work on

Improving engagement from older years and older members who struggled to feel connected/involved within the club.

Improving advertisement of our events so people are aware of what we are doing.

Clarification for who can be involved in Sunday walks needed.



Introduction to committee

Discussion of who we are, what we offer, affiliation with SU and BUMC, club history and the roles of committee members. Mention of the benefit of being on committee and how we all work together, both within committee and with the SU links.

Everyone to get in touch with old committee to organise 1-1 meeting to discuss roles with more detail



Chairs vision

Skill sharing and passing on skills that we haven’t be able to pass on this year to those who are less experienced in a safe and productive way.

Aiming to ensure inclusivity and accessibility to all of those who haven’t been able to participate or experience what we can offer in the past year i.e. all events to be welcoming and beginner friendly.



Individual handover meetings

Good to have a meeting with the person in the role you are in last year to discuss what the role entails and get guidance from those who have done the role before.

Aim to have a meeting with Jon to discuss the role and to discuss what we would like to do over the year.


Everyone to get in touch with old committee to organise 1-1 meeting to discuss roles with more detail


Everyone to organise meeting with JM to discuss roles/aims/what you went over in 1-1 meeting


Freshers week

Aim to have all committee members back in Bath for freshers week as this is when we recruit 90% of our members. A good freshers week with good representation from committee and good engagement with prospective members can really make a big difference.


Night hike type activities




2 weeks after freshers week


Committee social before term starts

Good to have a social in freshers week for returners to get to see each other in freshers week.




Affiliation with the BUMC is really important as they provide liability insurance and insurance for accidents that may happen on club trips. Costs £16.75 and is required for every club member. Issue with COVID as anyone can join the club due to the SU general membership but we don’t want and couldn’t afford to pay insurance for everyone. Used prospective membership to take advantage of BUMC 3 month grace period, and then in 2nd semester prospective membership became a virtual membership. We then had a full membership which involved a £5 top up cost in order to get commitment and enable us to buy insurance.

SU general membership will be kept for 21/22 year and so every club has to have a free offering. Each club is going to have its own top up cost again to join as a full member.

Need to work out what our free offering will be (probably stuff that wont need insurance) and then work out our top up costs.




Drivers, first aid etc.


Personal cars only rather than MPVs. Need to collate a list and see who we have got as a driver.

Signing off of drivers personal cars with the SU – insurance, MOT and driving license needs to be submitted for an approved driver. Discussion about a Moodle quiz re: safety but still a work in progress.

MIDAS is no longer in place on the uni, but there should be a place to hire vehicles through them but we are not sure of the cost. We will need to hire at least 1 vehicle for each trip due to the amount of kit we need.

Affiliate members are graduate members who have been part of the club in the past. The SU are being more lenient in letting them come back and help driving, especially if we hire MPVs as nobody is old enough to be insured and few people have done the MIDAS course.

First aiders

Vicky may be able to run a first aid course for those who didn’t get to do it this semester




Things to do over summer

Handover meetings and 1-1 meeting with Jon needed.

Access to GDrive for club documents etc. and access to SU web tools but need to do GDPR and data protection quiz before you can access this.

Summer plans

No current plans. Can restart pub trips etc. providing restrictions allow.

HS to organise some activities to keep the club running over summer



British orienteering affiliation

3 of committee members need to be a member of the British orienteering in order to get affiliated, but there is a cost associated. Proposed to be JE and JS as they are the orienteers and they will need membership for any competitions. We also need another committee for British orienteering affiliation but this doesn’t line up with our committee so will have to be sorted out.

Committee t-shirt

Sizes and arrangements will be sorted out soon. Colour will probably be yellow/gold.

Risk assessments

Need to read risk assessment fully to be aware of responsibilities when leading anything or organising any trips.

BK to look into redesigning t-shirts

JW to sort ordering of t-shirts