BUMC Committee 21/22

4th October 2021




Jonathan White (JW) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Artemi Kursi (AK) – Walking Secretary

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Social Secretary

Ffion Loring (FL)- Treasurer

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Climbing Secretary

Jonny Ellis (JE) – Orienteering Secretary

Robert Haseler (RH) – Gear Secretary

Vicky Bennett (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Emma Hill (EH)– Climbing Secretary

Josh Nicholas (JN) – Walking Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS) – Voting Member



Vanesa Dimitrova (VD) – Media Secretary



  1. Past Items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


17th June 2021

Freshers week


Night hike was successful and might be a good idea to consider running another one, with more leaders as it seemed to go down well.

More information needed for those leading events. More advertisement needed for the events, and we should have tagged the SU to repost to increase engagement.

Very good turnout from those who weren’t in first year, especially with COVID meaning lots of 2nd years were attending.

Caution needed with behaviour in public as we are representing the club when wearing club gear.

JW to put up poll to vote for committee meal date

Secretary to organise tasters

VD to advertise on social media


17th June 2021

Drivers, first aid etc.


Currently have 3 people who are MIDAS trained, and others in process of organising training. Will probably use a combination of 2-3 MPVs supported by personal cars, so need to confirm number of personal cars we have. Need to be cautious with parking restrictions at the hut, and need to get the training done quickly.

Transport update

No MPVs available for hire until at least November.

First aid

JS was organising first aid through the first aid society, and date offered is 9th October. No date that everyone could do, so best to do the 9th if that is the date that most people can do, especially as this is before freshers trip.

First aid

First aid course confirmed for 9th October. Product needs to be bought by Friday evening by anyone who is partaking.

FL to find out costs about MPV hiring

JS to confirm date and numbers for first aid


17th June 2021

British orienteering affiliation

3 of committee members need to be a member of the British orienteering in order to get affiliated, but there is a cost associated. Proposed to be JE and JS as they are the orienteers and they will need membership for any competitions. We also need another committee for British orienteering affiliation but this doesn’t line up with our committee so will have to be sorted out.


Sent over our previous AGM minutes and the club constitution, so now just need to pay the fee for the affiliation.

BK and JE to sort payment


17th June 2021

Risk assessments


Risk assessments have been submitted and approved by the SU so need to ensure everyone reads them and is signed off. Anyone who is leading on any activity needs to fill in the google form to say that they have read the risk assessment and are happy to lead.

Those organising an event are responsible for ensuring that all of the leaders have read the risk assessment.

Everyone to read risk assessment and let JW know of any changes


28th August 2021

Freshers trip

15-17th October - Committee get pre signup as will be helping run the trip. The trip will probably be open to 40 people but we may open it up to further spaces, as this makes it cheaper for us.

No MPVs available until November, so for Freshers trip we will hire a coach to take us there and back + 1 personal car for emergencies. We will have to do everything from the hut. Need to ensure that this is made clear so people are aware of this before they sign up with COVID.

Signup should be tomorrow night and it will cost £48. We are hoping to get subsidy from the SU for the coach but if we can’t, then we may have to raise the price.

Need to make it super clear about the sleeping arrangements at freshers trip, and also ensure it is clear that we are able to have a female only dorm, especially with COVID and to ensure there is no confusion.



28th August 2021

COVID guidelines/Uni guidelines

Nothing from the SU regarding COVID, so assumed to be following the government guidance as this is what we have been doing before and they are keen to get people doing stuff ASAP. Suggestion for lateral flow testing before any trips etc.

13 voted for yes. 0 voted for no.


Proposed to do COVID tests on the Wednesday and Friday before the trip. Wednesday enables us to find a replacement. Google form for submitting responses. Should refund those who test positive as otherwise people will just come with a positive test and we can probably afford it so long as its not a lot of people. If you haven’t filled in the form, then you can’t come on the trip.

10 votes for yes. 0 votes for no.



28th August 2021

Peaks trip

Hut is booked for 29th-31st October. Some money outstanding but can be paid closer to the time once we know it can go ahead.

Would also be good to get David Coley back to do another talk on Belay safety before Peaks trip.


Coach won’t work as we need to be able to get from the hut to go climbing so will have to do it via personal cars. We currently have ~10 people who are willing to drive. Currently only have 8 parking spaces, but they have said we might be able to get some more cars to fit in. Issue may be fitting in kit, and we probably won’t be able to go bouldering due to the size of the gear.

EH to organise peaks trip

EH to organise David Coley talk


28th August 2021

Social media

No update



20th September 2021

BOK event helper team

BOK event organised for Saturday 6th November. Volunteers needed to help with this event. Might not need everyone, but if we can put our name into the slots on the spreadsheet that we can make that would be good. Help needed with starting people off and with control collection.

BK to send out excel spreadsheet for availability


20th September 2021

Learn to belay/ lead

8 or so people needed to help with the learn to belay sessions. Session needed at redpoint to ensure that we are competent to teach, need to confirm date for this. Sessions on 20th and 27th before Peaks trip.

Asked for us to arrange a session to ensure that we are checking club kit correctly.

EW to organise learn to belay


20th September 2021

ISB 2022


Concern about a lack of experienced people going on ISB, so discussing opening it up to alumni in order to help run it and who would be interested in going. Going to see who is interested/who have been before and who are available within the club first before we open it up to alumni. Hopefully ISB interest meeting this semester should help with this.



20th September 2021



Unsure about whether or not we need to register our trained coaches as voluntary coaches with the SU so need to look into this



20th September 2021

Weekly sessions


Weekly sessions post-freshers week need to be added to the calendar. Can add non-definite things into the internal calendar. Add the description for social media and Sunday emails.




Need to ensure that you have your event ready and organised and uploaded to the internal calendar by the Saturday before the week that the event is going to be, ready for the Sunday email and facebook/website events. You will need to write the description in the template provided on the google drive for the Sunday email.

Leaders need to be found by the organisers.

If you want your event promoting on Instagram, create the post that you would like to be posted and send it to VD to be posted.

Secretaries to upload correct information to google calendar and GDrive

Secretaries to send information to VD for posting on instagram


20th September 2021



Received the other day and somewhat comparable to previous years which is good.

Main issue that could come up is that the SU haven’t got any membership targets this year, so usually if we reach this target we could be eligible for more funding, which would cover the insurance for the additional members.


Currently have enough for 160 members (self-set target), so need to see what happens if we get over 160 people.




Currently have 136 members so need to ask the SU what we do if we get more members than we have budget for.

FL to chase SU re: membership


20th September 2021

Committee meetings




Thursday doesn’t seem to be working and we probably don’t need a committee meeting every 2 weeks, so when we do need a committee meeting we will put a poll on the teams to organise it.



  1. New Items




Action required from


Committee training


Email into club account about committee training. All sections relevant to your role must be completed. Some sections are role specific and others are applicable to everyone.

Everyone to complete committee training




Secretaries to organise trials. The climbing trials will be held at Winter Boulder Series at TCA - 1 day of training. The orienteering trials will be held later in semester/next semester as the event isn’t until next semester.


9 people on the team for climbing. Previously been unlimited for orienteering, but meeting needed with the SU to confirm this.


BUCS athletes and BUCS clubs are supposed to get funding from the SU but we have not received this.

FL to chase about BUCS funding




Non selective teams would be good to have at local competitions, in order to provide incentive to join the club and to increase inclusivity. A few local competitions which are accessible to train.