BUMC Committee 21/22

14th December 2021




Jonathan White (JW) – Chair

Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Artemi Kursi (AK) – Walking Secretary

Emma Wilkes (EW) – Climbing Secretary

Emma Hill (EH)– Climbing Secretary

Josh Nicholas (JN) – Walking Secretary

Joseph Shouksmith (JS) – Voting Member

Robert Haseler (RH) – Gear Secretary

Vicky Bennett (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Vanesa Dimitrova (VD) – Media Secretary




Ffion Loring (FL)- Treasurer

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Social Secretary

Jonny Ellis (JE) – Orienteering Secretary

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary



  1. Past items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


20th September 2021

ISB 2022


Hut is booked. Guides are booked. People are confirmed. Transport is missing. Meeting with SU to discuss options for transport. Hopefully will get an MPV and people trained before ISB.


Substantial increase in cost due to guides, accommodation and transport. Going to be over £300 per person, which is still good value for what it is but want to bring it down if possible, as is much higher than previous years.

£250 in club budget which we have made on trips so far (Freshers trip took more people and was subsidised by SU) which we could use. Previously has never been subsidised due to selectivity. As money has come from other trips, it would be good to feed that back in to subsidise trips for the wider club e.g. day walking trips as it can go far on trips like that.

O votes for subsidy. 9 votes for no. 1 abstained.



4th October 2021





No further update. Will discuss transport/accommodation/numbers with the SU in meeting. Dates released for orienteering and climbing. Both are early February so need to start thinking about that soon. Orienteering trials need to happen fairly soon in preparation.


FL/JB to chase about BUCS funding/perks e.g. free gym sessions etc.


BK and JE to organise BUCS trials


28th October 2021

Transport update




No more information heard regarding MPVs. Email sent asking about transport for semester 2 in order to plan trips. Transport people say issue is no companies want to rent to people under the age of 25s, so may not be any transport in semester 2.



23rd November 2021

Inclusivity Award




Decision needs to be made on what level we want to do as a club for inclusivity. If we go all in, it would require us to organise specific events and would require dedication from the wider committee. Current ideas include liasing with GB paraclimber in Bristol, ColourUp Bristol etc. Other examples include womens only climbing events, beginners climbing training, navigation and training sessions, inclusive socials etc. Would be good to run a disability access climbing event but nobody in Bristol to run it at the minute.


7th March is the official deadline but would probably be fine if we have things booked in to definitely happen. Would be good to get some events planned in for inclusivity.

Everyone to do inclusivity award training

VB to liaise with JE and BK about orienteering inclusivity

Secretaries to plan inclusivity activities within their sports


23rd November 2021

Saturday Morning and ‘official’ club climbing



Facebook group has picked up since last discussion but not as much as it has previously. Would be good to have a big push after Christmas, especially in exams and have a few more beginner/introductory sessions as well as some occasions on a Wednesday where a group goes climbing, leaving the library at a set time to get a set train.


Question as to whether or not Facebook is the best platform to use but that might be an AGM discussion.



23rd November 2021

Semester 2 trip plans



Would be good to do the walking trip at the end of February/beginning of March. JN and AK happy to run this.


Night hike usually the first couple weeks of March. Might be good to avoid 13th March as that is the Bath Half, so 5th March might be more ideal for night hike.


Dartmoor wild camp also to be run at the beginning of April. JN and AK happy to run this.



Usually the English unis cup sometime in semester 2 but no confirmed dates for this.

BUCS orienteering will be more of a trip as it has a variety of courses so designed to be inclusive. May be events that we can do as day trips or informal trips.



Font 16th-23rd April. Planning needs to be started soon. Drivers need to be found ASAP, so may be problematic due to distance and number of drivers who will be needed. Potential alternative transport methods could be considered e.g. trains and coaches. Some ferry credit from previous years that we can be used. Need to book the hut for 2023 soon as well.

Portland/Dartmoor climbing day and weekend trip previously been run in end of March/beginning of April. EW and EH to plan.


Potentially planned to have a day trip or 2 before exams.

Summer trip after exams – planned to be in the Gower.




Walking trip dates are in the calendar. Need to get climbing and orienteering trip provisional dates in the calendar.

Emma and Rob have been working on Font, and have a meeting to discuss Font and transport with SU.

Anyone planning a trip should put dates on internal calendar and start planning

Orienteering and climbing secs to put provisional dates into the calendar.


23rd November 2021

Committee 2022/23




Provisional list of potential committee members has been put together.

Need to start approaching people who might be interested in being on committee.



23rd November 2021

Ideas for gear spending


Some ideas for climbing gear to spend the budget on.

Other proposed ideas: Compasses and map cases




Got quite a few rucksacks but could do with some larger 40-45l rucksacks. Also could be good to get some bags for people to use as day bags on trips, or waterproof bag covers for people to use to cover their own bags. We do have some bags people can use but issue is people don’t request them so we don’t take them, so maybe we just need to take them more. Potentially could also get an Ohm to assist with inclusivity and teaching for belaying, as this was mentioned by Bristol.

BK to advise on compasses



  1. New items




Action required from


Committee meetings Semester 2


Would be good to have a regular date and time for committee meetings, e.g. every other week, then cancel when we don’t need them.

Preference would be to have it every other Thursday before the pub in person, and do them in the pub, or in Dartmouth avenue or Virgil and try to encourage attendance. Would be good to have them in town as not as many people are on campus.

However, need to determine what time and day of the week is best for people once semester 2 timetables are out.



Activities during revision and exams


Hugh was planning on running some things e.g. informal pubs throughout exams.

Previously done wellbeing walks, which VB could run. Could do it at any point in exams.

Additional push for using the facebook group to organise climbing.

Group runs also possible.



Potential dates for AGM


Usually in the last week of Feb or first week of March, with hustings being a couple weeks after, depending on when the SU elections are. Proposed to be 24th February. Need to check that enough of committee can make this, so can check in the first committee meeting of Semester 2.



Alumni fund application


Alumni fund is open and we should put in an application. Application needs to be written before it closes, so need to decide what we want to apply for. Could look at requesting new bouldering pads, large size harnesses, the Ohm, crampons, compasses.


RH to write an alumni fund application