BUMC Committee 20/21

13th April 2021




Kate Evans (KE) – Secretary

Rob Cook (RC) – Walking Secretary

Will Jones (WJ) – Walking Secretary

Kai Pheasant (KP) – BUCS Captain

Hugh Sanderson (HS) – Postgraduate Secretary

Harley Beattie (HB) – Voting Member

Alex Everest (AE)– Climbing Secretary

Matthew Rochester (MR)- Treasurer

Conor Smith (CS) – Gear Secretary

Kate Callaghan (KC) – Social Secretary

Sebastien Morales Feliu (SMF) – Web Secretary

Jonathan Mitchinson (JM) – Chair

Jonathan White (JW) – Climbing Secretary

Bethany Kippin (BK) – Orienteering Secretary

Laura Bosomworth (LB) – Welfare and Inclusivity Officer


  1. Past items



Original item date

Brief description of original issue + update

Further action required from


20th August

SU Sport membership


2 membership lists in semester 1, prospective and full. Prospective members were covered under SU sport membership for £20 and full members needed to pay an additional £5 but were insured and able to access gear and trips etc.


Prospective memberships are now starting to expire with the BMC as they are only valid for 3 months as part of their grace period.


Prospective and full memberships have been extended. We have kept the 2 separate membership lists to make it easier later in semester.


Issues with return to sport as original membership offering was prospective and full membership, and BMC insurance gave us 3 month grace period so prospective membership covered this. Now, anyone who got prospective membership in semester 1 wont be covered by insurance so will have an issue in signups, as they wont be able to attend in person events without buying full membership.




2nd deadline set for 13/4 to give people another chance to signup.



22nd September


What is left? How are we going to spend it?


Currently have plans to spend all of the gear budget (£440 left) which Conor will spend. £200 on maintenance which mostly includes gear. £750 left for insurance. £1040 in our activities budget (-invoice from Ollie Mentz, unsure on amount). No strict allocations but this is roughly what we have left.


Update – AGM


Ideas for what to spend leftover budget on:

Hike tents, which could be useful with running trips next year, and increasing COVID safety as well if we can’t run any trips

£500-600 worth of kit needing replacing this year that we can replace at the end of the year to reduce costs next year – mostly helmets

Suggestion for slacklines, but we don’t use these very often and we already have 2 so not thought that they are needed, but we could buy more

Set of compasses for use in orienteering and also navigational lessons if we wanted to do those with walking - £300-400 for set of these. Lots of the ones we have do have bubbles in or are very old/used so only ~7 working compasses. Will be useful with COVID as unable to share them in the training session.

Could buy some guidebooks for local area


Update from CS - Spending on gear


Need to buy 20m static ropes and replacement half rope as these are going out of date. 8 helmets that can be replaced ready for next year.


Proposed other things to buy: Compasses, prussick cords, nut tools, tough tags, extra carabiners, some tents, 2 boulder pads, new first aid kits and then some guide books/maps.


Unsure of exact time that we can start spending this money, as depends on subsidy for summer trip and any subsidies for trips for next year. Going to be at least £800 that we can start spending now.

MR to follow up Ollie Mentz for invoice


CS to start ordering the gear we need to replace.





8th October



Identification of need to raise awareness and engagement with resources, starting with committee and then working outwards, so that the environment in the club is welcoming, as history of culture in mountaineering being problematic for those from underprivileged backgrounds.


Update from sub-group of committee?

Talks attended in Jan time and LB has created an inclusivity awards action plan.

Action plan formalises what we are already doing and identifies 3 groups to focus on – Black and ethnic minority issues, distance learners and people from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

Black and ethnic minority issues – need to ensure our promotional stuff includes people from different backgrounds, and use social media to educate and organise colour up Bristol collab (if possible)

Distance learners - Weekly S+c sessions, socials on discord and training sessions which can be accessed anywhere

Low socioeconomic backgrounds – using alumni fund to buy climbing shoes that anyone can use to make climbing cheaper, free activities inc. walks and orienteering training. Advertisement of gear hire from the club for free to reduce costs of trips etc.

Committee support ‘equal access for refugees and asylum seekers’ campaign written by the Bath amnesty society which is being put forward to the uni to ask them to provide 2 scholarships for refugees and asylum seekers


Not a huge amount going on due to lockdown

LB and subgroup of committee to implement action plan


Ask LB to prepare something/let us know what is going on for the next meeting


8th October

Bath City Race - Fundraiser with BOK

Orienteering event in Bathampton down, at the end of February that we could help with in order to increase awareness and raise some funds, providing we go through RAG and provide an on the day team to help out (10-15 people), coordinating welcome, check in, parking etc.

Money is less of an issue at the moment, but should increase involvement in the club and growth of orienteering in this year and future years.

Good in terms of location as it is near uni so good to increase numbers and raise awareness about orienteering and no travel involved. Potential alternative to a trip as well.

Given the go ahead so plan is to send out some feeders to see who would be willing to volunteer. Need to liaise with the SU and start organising.


With roadmap out of lockdown, need to get back in contact but they have lots of events planned later in the year so may not replan this event anytime soon.

BK to get in contact with BOK


8th October

First aid training

Hall in Bradford on Avon being booked for 16th April. Sessions from 10-1 or 2-5 (go to 3 hours in person and then 3 hours online). Costs £10 (inc hut and PPE). Can’t share lifts according to current SU policy.




2 groups of 6, 1 for the morning and 1 for the afternoon. Cost of PPE and hut are going to be expensed to the club so MR to sort this. Can get the SU to pay for stuff if you send them an orange form but it takes a while. Might be easier to get Vicky to pay for it and then invoice the club as this is quicker.


We have people with in-date first aid for sally in the woods trip tomorrow.


MR to organise payment for Vicky.


3rd December


Plans for semester 2




Jesse Dufton talk booked for the 15th. No news from Karen and no other talks planned but not a huge issue as we do have the return to in person sports.

BK to organise Karen Dark talk




24th Feb

Return to organised sports plans


Rule of 6 and return of formalised sport returns from the 29th March. 12th April gyms and indoor sports should reopen but no indoor organised sports?


Could encourage people to take their LFD testing on campus to ensure safety of events


Need to restart group leader list and ensure that they have read the necessary parts of the risk assessment etc. and mark up which bits they are allowed to lead.


Need to reinstate signups and send details over to the SU. New event planning form also in place – details for sorting sign ups, who you need to email, dates etc. in the appendix of this.


Car shares not recommended under current government guidance.




Night hike this weekend (15/16th April). Maybe some plans for a Sunday walk in the future. Issue is final years are very busy at the minute, so may try to get the next walking secs to manage and lead something if we do official planning. Easy to do the paperwork but need some leaders. Groups of 6 - Organised sport so able to do bigger groups but easier to stick to groups of 6, with management and also perception of the club. HS volunteered to run some Sunday walks.

Unable to fill up signup for Sally in the Woods – people have probably done it themselves if they are experienced and want to, people are busy and people have got out of the swing of climbing, so the only people who have signed up are people who don’t know what they are doing. Need to improve promotion of climbing sessions and be clear about the fact that you can be a beginner. Going to use climbing shoes from the alumni fund for people to use.

Unsure of plans for orienteering, BK not back in Bath yet so not sure of what the plan is going forwards. MR is running this week, but hopefully BK will be back and can start running regular sessions.

Better to make a group chat of all leaders, and get new walking and climbing secs to read risk assessment rather than restarting rota due to the irregularity of events.

Happy with 2 Sunday emails, 1 for members and 1 for non-members. With 2 separate Sunday emails, it would make sense to have a separate teams channel, as otherwise people get the information anyway so could cause confusion. KP volunteered to make the teams channel.

Final years and Hugh might be able to do something during revision week e.g. skyline walks on campus (promotion for next year).


KP to make separate teams channel


10th March

Gear store size


Currently share store with archery, but they seem to have other storage because some stuff seems to have gone, so we could ask them if we could ask the SU to move the archery store somewhere else slightly smaller so we can grow a bit and have more space, especially if we want to buy more kit.


Haven’t been able to discuss with archery, so will probably ask SU first, to open up conversation first.




Can get shelving if we want it but we don’t really need them at the minute, getting some more big storage containers would be more useful.


Need to wait until the end of the year to discuss with archery about more gear store space.



1st April



Climbing sec, voting member and postgraduate secretary needed.

Got someone who can apply for climbing sec. We also have someone applying for voting member. Postgraduate secretary needs to be filled but not a huge issue as 2 other postgraduates on committee.




Unsure of if we have anyone running for climbing sec, Alex is going to chase up.

Unsure if we have anyone running for voting member either so going to see if we can convince those who didn’t get onto committee to run.

If nobody runs for postgrad sec then Hugh and Vicky will unofficially do this role.



1st April

Transport update


No car sharing this year within government guidelines.


Plan for next year


Discussion with windsurfing and canoeing who both rely on transport. Rowing also not happy with current arrangement so plan to all go to SU with specification of what previous SU transport system achieved, and hopefully the SU will respond with what they can provide for us e.g. subsidising an MPV. Unlikely to get our own SU MPV. More likely to have to hire in vehicles so may be more complicated, or we may be on private cars. Canoeing chair taking the lead on this but RC to follow this up.


Caution with private cars and safety. May be able to get the SU to do something about the other plan is unsuccessful.




Another meeting with transport club lot this week (canoeing, rowing etc.). No huge change currently, canoeing chair is arranging a meeting with the SU to discuss concerns. Not trying to pitch a solution but just letting them know our concerns and what the old system provided, and hoping they will sort something out. Hoping to get another update once another meeting with the SU rep has occurred.



1st April

Summer trip


Dates finalised for 30th May – 2nd June.


Could run this more like freshers trip where we have a surplus of leaders, from committee or other leader list etc. as we could end up with lots of new members who haven’t been on trips before. Aim to fill as many leaders as possible from committee and then open it up. However caution with pre-signing up leaders if we are only allowed 30 people on the trip and having too many people pre-signed up. Could put feelers out within committee and see who can come before we make any decisions.




Confirmation from campsite



1st April

Christmas trip


Deposit refunded not postponed. Hut not open for bookings so need to either decide to wait to book there, book somewhere more local or book the hut we usually go to in North Wales.


One in North Wales is expensive. Centre in Dartmoor to look into which is more local. Could see if Freshers hut is free as well.




List of huts made by Jon – preferences below:


Bury jubilee or Rydal Hall bunkhouse would be ideal.

Bury Jubilee would be preferred - £190 for Friday to Sunday last time therefore would be able to afford MPVs. Good location, nice hut and big kitchen. Good options for walks.

Rydal Hall bunkhouse doesn’t have the biggest kitchen but a nice hut.

Low Gillerthwaite is a long way (>5 hours) but only pay for the number of people who go which is good.

YHA would be good if no others available as fairly cheap and same location as Bury Jubilee but very good.

Boot schoolhouse may also be too small as only sleeps 24 people?

Felldyke bunkhouse may be too small as only sleeps 23 people?

JM to start ringing these huts to see what is available


1st April

Peaks trip


Should be booked up but need to catch up on new rules and regulations.


Update - AE?


Alex contacted the person and got a response that it should be fine to go ahead.






  1. New items




Action required from


In person socials


Would be inappropriate to make socials for full members only as the £5 full membership is mostly for insurance. Clear enough distinction between going for a walk/climbing trip and going to the pub.

10 votes for yes, 1 vote for no.


Kate made the google doc with a group of freshers – works well so long as we ensure there are some older members within the groups.


Difficult to find places in advance to book right now as all the pubs are booked out for months, so may need a backup plan of meeting somewhere e.g. at the crescent, SU. SU/limetree could be a good shout for freshers to meet each other and older members as less resistance with having to travel into town. Some pubs are first come first served e.g. cork and brewhouse. Need to ensure that we have separation from groups so they are distinct groups.


Summer social – Usually held on Saturday of exams (day before summer trip). SU doesn’t really like a BBQ so maybe we need to come up to an alternative. Could go to a pub but could be hard to get a booking. Could go to Warleigh Weir or something instead.



Email from Psychi regarding discount deals for club members


Psychi have given us a 15% discount for members, and if we are buying big items or in bulk then we can sort a one off deal. Will be added to discounts page on the website.



Sunday walks 2021/22

For next year, can we investigate with BMC and SU about running walks to non members?

We have previously had these open to non members, and we run freshers walk in conjunction with the SU with non-members. Other mountaineering clubs also run events open to non members, and the Sunday walks are essentially a walk around Bath so should be fine with insurance, but we need to check with them.