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Maria Rainone talks about how PAL has given her a confidence boost and has been a great way to meet new people.

I started as an Italian PAL leader last year, and I absolutely loved it. This role not only provided a consistent opportunity for practicing my Italian but also allowed me to meet others who love the Italian language. My confidence grew through leading weekly sessions and planning engaging activities, enhancing both my administrative and creative skills. Serving as a PAL leader is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience, enhance your CV, and establish connections within the SU.

After a year in this role, I sought a new challenge and applied for the position of Senior PAL leader. This step allowed me to develop my leadership skills and actively support other PAL leaders. 

Positions are open for various languages, including English! Also, you do not need to be an advanced speaker as you could facilitate a beginner level PAL session. If you're seeking a challenge and the chance to acquire new skills within the university, then I would consider a language PAL leader role.


Selfie of Maria on the beach

"This role not only provided a consistent opportunity for practicing my Italian but also allowed me to meet others who love the Italian language.”
— Maria Rainone, BSc (Hons) Psychology


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