Booking System

To book a vehicle, please log in to the Transport Booking System. You can also check the progress of your booking here.


To become a Union driver, you need to take the MiDAS course.

The Small Print

a) All bookings are made on a 24 hour basis. For example, 16:00 on 3rd to 15:00 on 4th is 1 day and will be charged as such.

b) Bookings should be made by 13:00 Friday, using the transport booking system, for the subsequent weekend, i.e. all bookings should be made at least one week in advance.

c) The Transport Office will always do its best to accommodate your vehicle requests, but if you submit a late booking you have to accept that you might not be able to get the kind of vehicle you want. This especially applies to towing vehicles and 9-seaters, which are rare.

d) Drivers are recognised by the SU as volunteers. You therefore have certain rights and responsibilities as a volunteer. To find out more, go to the Volunteer Policies & Documents page of the Volunteering Website.

e) The Transport Office is generally open from 09:30 to 17:30, Mondays to Fridays, including during University Vacation periods, though hours vary based on tasks arising. The Transport Office is based in The Edge, Level 2 Offices.

Contact details

Facilities & Technical Manager: Chris Lyon
Direct Dial: 01225 38 7660