Before you read through this, I want you to know that I made a whole Spotify account to make a playlist for this. I am realising this means one of two things
- I have too much time on my hands now y’all have gone home
- I am overenthusiastic
- Secret third option that I am just really hyped about this, and want to make sure y’all get talking about it in any way possible.
With that, lets hit play !

Intro – Alt J
Okay so what even is the Claverton scholarship? How do I get it? Whats the ~vibe~
The Claverton Scholarship is like a funky little addition to the Bath Bursary to give you a bit of extra money, and to help boost your employability through completing a “Claverton Employability Passport”.
This focuses on employability support, inspiring and enriching experiences, and personal and professional development, and adds that element of support that is missing from Bath Bursary, but so prevalent in the Gold Scholarship programme.
To be able to apply, you need to be a Bath Bursary recipient who started in September this year – and that’s it!

Write here, write now! (Right Here, Right Now – Fatboy Slim, and Under Pressure – David Bowie)
If you are eligible, you will have been sent a form in early December with three questions, asking about your goals and motivations to apply. These are only 250 words each at the most, and if you’ve made it through your first University essays, I have the upmost faith you can get through these too <3

Send your application on its way (Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root) to beat the deadline (Beat It – Michael Jackson)
The closing date for the programme is midday on Friday 7th February 2025 – that’s after Christmas, exams, and seems a world away – but the sooner the better to apply right?

Wait to hear back about if you got in (I Will Wait – Mumford & Sons)
Now, this is a super quick turn around because…

You find out you’ve been accepted on to the programme within a few weeks (Let’s Go – Calvin Harris ft Ne-Yo)
After all, you have to be prepped and ready to go to the launch event on March 12th!
Between then and the end of summer, you undertake 25 hours of activities to help fill out your “passport”.

And of course, a great part of this is being able to bond with other Claverton Scholars on the non-residental summer school (In the Summertime – Mungo Jerry)
This starts around lunch on the 4th of June and carries through to the same time on the 6th June. This is where you get to socialise, network, and gain a whole host of info on employability support

Still standing after doing all your passport work? Then get paid ! (I’m Still Standing – Elton John, Rich Girl – Gwen Stefani)
You get your first payment of £750 in September 2025

In March 2026, you attend a networking day (Haven’t Met You Yet – Michael Bublé)

Then, you complete the employment passport and do another non-residential summer school one more time (One More Time – Daft Punk)
This time round, the residental summer school only spans two days, but you have to rack up 30 hours of activities.

And finally, you get your final instalment of money in the September of your final year of study ! (Bills, Bills, Bills – Destiny’s Child)
If you have any more questions about the programme, you can check out the University web page on it, which includes a chunky document of terms and conditions it is worth reading through before you pop in your application so you know the system inside out