A wide variety of student leader and representative elections open from Wednesday 28 September 2022. Go to this page to stand, and vote, for a multitude of roles. See below a summary of some of the most exciting roles. These truly provide a unique opportunity for you to gain invaluable experience for your CV and improve students’ lives at the same time…

SUmmit member (x5 open places available)

[Click here for Role Description]

SUmmit is an SU committee made up of a range of student leaders and representatives who vote to create Standpoints (SU stances on any given issue) and hold the SU Officers to account. A SUmmit member’s core functions are to: (a) Consider standpoint proposals and discuss these before voting on them (b) Engage in committee functions and ask SU Officers questions relating to their work.

SU Democratic Procedures Team member (x5 places available)

[Find the role description, and information on how to apply on our DPT webpage]

DPT exists to assist the SU’s Deputy Returning Officer in ensuring that all of the SU’s major elections are run smoothly and are fair. The committee also leads on coordinating elections events such as ‘Questions to Candidates’ (for SU Officer elections). An Elections Committee member’s main job is to work with SU Officers and staff to coordinate the delivery of the SU Officer elections (that take place in Semester 2). DPT members are expected to provide their personal insight and opinion on various elements of the election process.

NUS National Conference Delegate (x5 places available)

[Click here for Role Description]

NUS National Conference is the sovereign body of the NUS - it sets policy for the year ahead and elects the NUS President, Vice Presidents, and the NUS National Executive Council. Every year over 1,500 delegates arrive at the conference from institutions across the United Kingdom. Each year, we elect five NUS Delegates to represent The SU Bath at National Conference. Delegates are elected to represent students’ views on a national level. Conference delegates represent our Students’ Union at the conference. Delegates vote on our behalf and take part in discussions.

NUS Liberation Conference Delegate (multiple roles available)

[Click here for Role Description]

Liberation Conference is an opportunity for student activists from across the UK to come together to set the direction for the liberation campaigns for the year ahead and elect their Officers and Committee. One of the key functions of this conference is to debate and vote on motions, which become policy for NUS. Each year, we elect six Liberation Delegates to represent The SU Bath at NUS Liberation Conference. The delegate spaces are reserved for delegates who self-define into the groups which are represented at Liberation Conference. Delegates are elected to represent students’ views on a national level. Liberation Conference will bring together Black*, Black* Women, Disabled, LGBT+, Trans and Women students to build communities of activists and plan NUS campaigning work.

Diversity & Support Exec member (multiple roles available)

[Click here for Role Description]

Liberation Network is a group of students that represent the diversity of our student body, pushing for the University, SU and local area to be more inclusive. As a member of Liberation Network, you will provide feedback relating to Equality & Diversity issues, represent students from diverse and under-represented backgrounds, and discuss campaign opportunities.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee (EDIC) Rep (x2 places available)

[Click here for Role Description]

EDIC is a formal University committee that is responsible for the advancement of equality of opportunity across the University. It reports to the two senior bodies of the University, Council and Senate. The representatives will sit on the Committee alongside University staff and key Students’ Union Officers, seeking to positively uphold and implement the aims and objectives of the Students’ Union and improve the lives of under-represented students.

Senate Committee Rep (x1 place available)

[Click here for Role Description]

Senate is responsible for directing and regulating the academic work of the University. It is the University’s highest level committee and discusses key issues impacting students across the University. Senate is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor. The Senate Rep gets to contribute to discussions and make decisions on the Academic Experience for Students at The University of Bath.

Academic Reps (multiple roles available)

[Click here for Role Descriptions]

Put yourself forward to represent students within your academic discipline. This can be as a course rep or Faculty Rep.

Various other Student Group & Exec Positions (multiple roles available)

This includes specific Execs for Postgraduate and International Students.

Click here for more Elections