Sport and Exercise Science student Evelien has been planning and preparing for her third year professional placement. She talks about the value of having a peer mentor to support her on this journey.
"It has been helpful to learn about common problems and things that our mentor wishes she had known prior to starting her own placement.”
— Evelien Arts, BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Professional Placement
How has your mentor supported you throughout your pre-placement year?
My mentor had several mentees to support so we all met as a group initially, to introduce ourselves and to ask any questions. Our mentor gave us tips and shared personal anecdotes of her experience on placement.
What has been the most positive/valuable aspect of having a mentor?
The opportunity to gain knowledge from someone who was recently in the same position as you. It has been helpful to learn about common problems and things that our mentor wishes she had known prior to starting her own placement.
Would you recommend the scheme to new second year students? If so, why?
I would recommend using the scheme. It allows you to have a point of contact for when you have any questions.
If you had to sum up the Placement Peer Mentoring scheme in three words, what would they be?
Informative, helpful and individual.