Archery Rounds & Scoring

In competitive archery, events are based on shooting a set number of arrows at a particular distance and using a particular size of target face. The objective being to get the highest score within your category of bow type, gender and experience. There are outdoor and indoor rounds (although indoor round may be shot outside).
All official rounds will have been created by either Archery GB or World Archery. There are two scoring systems that can be used: 5 Zone scoring is used for all rounds where the distances to the target are determined in yards AND use a 122cm target face. All other rounds use 10 Zone scoring.
In all rounds you begin by shooting typically two ends of sighters (empirial rounds) or practise (World Archery rounds). Scoring ends are typically shot with either 3or 6 arrows. Ends are timed with 2 minutes to shoot 3 arrows, or 4 minutes for 6.
Once an end of arrows to be scored has been shot, all archers approach their target and observe which score zones your arrows have hit. (If the arrow breaks a line between two scoring zones, you receive the higher score) But do not touch the arrows or the target face until scoring is completed. When asked for your score, call out the numbers in groups of three, going from highest to lowest, pointing at the tail of each arrow whilst calling it. (ie “9, 7, 7” and “5, 1, 1”) If you have a missed arrow, call “Miss” and an M will be entered on the score sheet. Once all arrows have been scored, they may be removed and arrows behind the target collected.
After every dozen arrows the score, hits and golds (only 10’s are golds in 10 zone scoring), the score is added to the running total for the round.