We offer both instrument and kit lockers
Instrument Lockers
Instrument Locker hire costs £5 per semester, or £10 for the academic year.
Instrument Lockers are located in the Ensemble Room (Level 2 of the Edge) and come in a variety of sizes. Lockers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Please note, all locker meaurements are approximate. If you are unsure that your intrument will fit one of the lockers or if your intrument is very close to the measurements, please pop into the SU Office on Level 2 of the Edge and one of the Arts Team can test the fit before you make a purchase.
Kit Lockers
Perfect for storage of things like dance kit or sports kit.
Kit Locker hire costs £5 for a semester and £10 for the academic year. Kit Lockers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Located on the Level 3 corridor of The Edge, close to the Dance Studio and the changing rooms.